Thanks Sylvia!

Also, here is the video if anyone would like to view it:

On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 9:03 AM Sylvia Tomiyama
<> wrote:

> Here are the notes
> <
> >
> from the meeting. Link is available to everyone, but also pasted here for
> convenience:
> 2018-12-13 Apache Superset Agenda & Meeting Notes
> Attendees:  Jeff Feng, Conglei Shi, Krist W., Vyl C., Timi F., Grace Guo,
> Alan Gates, Chris Council, Sylvia T., Max B., Chris W., John B., Justin M.,
> Beto, Christine Chambers, Junda Yang
> Agenda:
>    -
>    History of the Superset Project
>    -
>    How does the mechanics of Apache work
>    -
>       Hortonworks Engineering  Apache Training
>       -
>    Coaching on how to do things the Apache Way
>    -
>    Options if not Apache
> Meeting Notes:
>    -
>    History of Superset
>    -
>       Max: People at Hortonworks approached Max/Superset to join the Apache
>       software foundation and support with the mechanics of joining
> (mentorship,
>       committers). This is exciting -- Jeff and a few others at Airbnb had
> been
>       working on Superset. Max had done this with Airflow before. These
> people
>       didn’t actually come through -- a few people had made some commits,
> and
>       some mentorship early on, but fizzled out. I didn’t personally show
>       leadership in getting people fired up about getting this graduated
> from
>       incubation
>       -
>    How does Apache work / Apache Way (Alan)
>    -
>       No corporate affiliations: Corporations don’t have a standing/voice
>       as such in Apache. Each person participates as their own
>       -
>       Companies can’t dictate how to act/vote. (they can, of course, decide
>       what they pay for).
>       -
>       Releases are determined by the community, not by companies
>       -
>          You can try to get a release if your company needs it, but need
>          community buy-in
>          -
>          Can’t make promises about a release on X date, because this is
>          driven by the community
>          -
>       Meritocracy -- people are recognized for “just doing it”
>       -
>          Contributions come from more than just code: e.g. release plans,
>          proposals for features, figuring out use cases, qa, answering
> questions, etc
>          -
>          Contributors that show they can help guide the project you can
>          vote them to be PMC. In incubation, it’s PPMC - podling. PMC
> has to approve
>          them and PPMC votes aren’t binding but it’s like practice
>          -
>          Jeff: what is necessary for being voted into PPMC?
>          -
>          Alan: depends on the PMC, but for me what I look for: they have
>          been a committer for a while. Know how to work well with
> others. Can help
>          guide/lead others -- shoulder the burden of driving the
> project forward.
>          Helping new people, coming up with ideas where we should go
>          -
>          Committers and PMC members who contribute across projects can be
>          voted in as Apache members
>          -
>       Collaboration
>       -
>          Mailing lists are the official record -- if it didn’t happen on
>          the lists, it didn’t happen.
>          -
>          Enable people around the world -- be inclusive. The way Apache
>          deals with this is ensuring everything is on teh mailing list
>          -
>          Jira (and github) if it copies to mailing list as a record, it
>          counts. The point is that there is a record, and that I can
> look into it
>          from somewhere else and see what happened. Archive
>          -
>          Voting: typically do 72 hours so that there’s enough time/day
>          -
>          Types:
>          -
>             Dev - ideally put everything into here.
>             -
>             Private - ONLY stuff that can’t be public; e.g. security,
>             legal, people.
>             -
>             User - for users of a project
>             -
>             Others -- commits, issues, security lists
>             -
>          Decisions are reached by consensus, not by force
>          -
>             E.g. releases and adding new committers or PMC members are
>             voted on
>             -
>             Votes are asked for only after consensus is reached
>             -
>             Max: Votes and meritocracy seem in conflict.
>             -
>                Only PMC counts for personnel
>                -
>                For code, committers
>                -
>                PMC is for releases -- because this is a legal thing. But,
>                still do this in public
>                -
>             Merit never expires (but people should use this
>             -
>             How to get a sense of consensus before voting?
>             -
>                Do a prevote: e.g. “DISCUSS” and get inputs; Then start an
>                official vote
>                -
>                Need to create a space where people can comfortably stand up
>                -
>          Can you vote on a release cycle and then get it approved
>          -
>             Each release has to be approved
>             -
>             But it’s fine to agree on trying to do a release cycle
>             -
>          Note from Justin: Not everyone is paid to work at Apache -- there
>          are people who are doing this as a volunteer
>          -
>       Justin: Also committer bar should be clearly documented
>       -
>          May need to reduce the bar for this
>          -
>       What’s the value of Apache?
>       -
>          Known and respected brand in teh open source world
>          -
>          Developing open source software owned by a 3rd party really helps
>          build collaboration. It’s very different if a company owns it.
>          -
>          If users are coming to contribute, it’s important that it’s owned
>          by a third party
>          -
>          Your users can become your partners and code contributors. It’s
>          the only time where I have a customer report a bug and fix it.
>          -
>          Ability to collaborate in the open in a safe “switzerland” space,
>          with a friendly license for businesses.
>          -
>       Which hat are you wearing -- for the people who are paid to work on
> it
>       -
>          Are you a committer? PMC member? You have responsibilities to
>          Apache.
>          -
>          Just because the company pays you, it doesn’t mean you’re not
>          bound by your Apache responsibilities
>          -
>       Justin: Incubator Wiki- Default Project Guidelines:
>       -
>       Best Practices
>       -
>          Make sure all off-list discussions are posted to the list, so that
>          people can be part of the discussions
>          -
>          Discuss changes fully in PR
>          -
>             Avoid: PR with minimal description, post a patch, and resolve
>             within 5 min. Because someone reading it can’t understand it.
>             -
>             Ideally wait at least 24 hours before it can be committed
>             unless it’s some really serious issue.
>             -
>          Participate in mailing list in constructive ways
>          -
>             Be professional in your interactions at Apache. Also remember
>             that sometimes people end up being rude unintentionally
>             -
>          Make sure all roles are represented in Apache
>          -
>          Make sure to respond to feedback outside of the core community
>          -
>    Vyl: Is Slack or other channels for communication OK?
>    -
>       Alan: My perspective -- email is a specific way of implementing the
>       spirit of the law
>       -
>          For slack specifically, I’m worried about the durability of the
>          content
>          -
>          If you can download and archive it, that would work.
>          -
>          Justin: there was a way to do it before
>          -
>       Justin: Most/all release conversation should go into the mailing list
>       -
>       Max: but what about real details like which cherries etc
>       -
>       Alan: Some projects have release manager who is centralized
>       -
>       Justin: Most projects I see, they discuss what features to include in
>       the mailing list
>       -
>          You can do what you want as long as it follows the guidelines.
>          -
>       Max: Not having support for images is really challenging esp with
>       data visualizations.
>       -
>       Github is fine: Open and archived/durable over time
>       -
>       Core tenets: Open and archived/durable over time
>       -
>       Michelle: We use SIP for major changes. If we’re divvying up work,
>       then should that be archived?
>       -
>          Alan: The easy way to think about this is, can someone who is not
>          physically located with you jump in? Can someone else join?
>          -
>       John: For the SIPs -- we usually have some discussion somewhere that
>       the idea comes from, before the SIP, is that OK? Does that
> somehow need to
>       be documented?
>       -
>          Alan: If you design something top to bottom and have 10 pages of
>          documentation, then it’s really hard for someone to jump in
>          -
>             Need to be not too far so that if feedback comes in, you’re not
>             willing to make any changes
>             -
>          I think it’s fine if you have some discussions and put it into the
>          SIP
>          -
>       Michelle: If we can’t find a way to archive slack. People go to slack
>       to get help from each other -- does that need to be archived?
>       -
>          Justin: users asking questions on slack are fine, esp if it’s
>          quick and easy to answer. The downslide is that it’s not
> discoverable so
>          it’s repetitive. So usually it’s worth it just to send it to
> the mailing
>          list.
>          -
>          Jeff: what about stack overflow?
>          -
>          Justin: yes, that’s fine. It definitely attracts more people and
>          creates a bigger community.
>          -
>          Max: Google docs is also a good forum -- is it OK?
>          -
>          Justin: these are all fine, but you are having conversations that
>          people can’t join. This is why we don’t want to require
>          synchronous/realtime conversations
>          -
>    Max: We need to ask Apache Infra for every piece of infra to add and
>    gets denied
>    -
>       Justin: Autoclose issues. This is discussed in a lot of detail on the
>       mailing lists and the consensus is that it’s problematic
>       -
>          CI tools are OK
>          -
>       Not being admin on their own gitbox is challenging
>       -
>       Alan: This is a common complaint from many other projects
>       -
>       People who are not committers cannot manage/label issues on github
>       that are not their own issue.
>       -
>       Justin: I think it might be an issue with setup. If they are a
>       committer they should be able to
>       -
>       Vyl: I have submitted all my paperwork but I still haven’t gotten a
>       response over several months.
>       -
>          Justin: PPMC not keeping roster up to date
>          -
>          Alan: This is probably because the mentors aren’t active.
>          -
>          Max: can we have a UI to do this?
>          -
>          Justin: whimsy
>          -
>       Max: Not sure who is on the mailing list
>       -
>       Alan: some of it is the mentors, for sure. Also Apache is slow in
>       updating tools, which is why it’s
>       -
>    Alan: please be honest. If Apache isn’t the way, then don’t hide
>    meetings.
>    -
>    Justin: the problem is that having the meetings makes it hard for people
>    to join
>    -
>       Meetings can’t be the driving force
>       -
>    What would be a good process if we want to have some in-person
>    discussions?
>    -
>       Justin: Sending an agenda out and letting people add stuff, and bring
>       it back to the mailing list works. Copy and pasting meeting
> notes into the
>       mailing list is fine
>       -
>    Release Process
>    -
>       Max: There are hundreds of dependencies in the javascript tree that
>       changes all the time
>       -
>       Justin: Why are you so worried about the dependencies?
>       -
>       Max: I’m worried about managing the license file.
>       -
>       Justin: It is only the bundle
>       -
>       Max: Convenience releases. Do we need to build tools
>       -
>       Alan: Are you worried that there is stuff in the convenience releases
>       that is not in compliance with Apache
>       -
>       Justin: bsd with advertising clause is one of the few that matter. If
>       you want to be Apache software, it must be compatible with the Apache
>       software
>       -
>       There are mutated versions of a known license, and I’m not sure how
>       to make the call on them.
>       -
>       You can ask on legal-discuss. There are past questions there that
>       covers most of the cases.
>       -
>       As long as the clause doesn’t add more restrictions, it’s generally
>       permissible
>       -
>       There are 800 javascript libraries -- a micropackage world.
>       -
>       Other projects have had similar challenges, e.g. maven. Maven has
>       some pretty good tools to pull in the licenses quickly and will tell
> you.
>       -
>       Justin suggests running fossilogy. It will also help with doing
>       deltas between releases.
>       -
>       Github 5801 is where I put this in. I’m worried about having 20
>       different conversations about this, especially since this evolves
>       -
>       Alan: I know this is a painpoint. I spent an entire plane ride from
>       Toronto. You will get better at it over time. No matter where you
> ship
>       this, it’s stuff you have to get right, since you’re liable if
> you screw it
>       up. Someone has to bite the bullet. It can be more than just Max.
>       -
>          Someone can own your software if you screw it up and you could get
>          sued.
>          -
>          The nice thing about Apache is that people know for sure that it’s
>          safe to use.
>          -
>          Justin: Also Apache protects all PMC members legally -- so even if
>          you screw it up, unlikely you personally would be sued. Of
> course, this is
>          all under the assumption that you’re following the release policy.
>          -
>          Alan: Apache legal resolved will show you what’s been approved or
>          not. This will answer 90% of questions. You can use discuss for
> the
>          alternative/
>          -
>          You can also ask the owner if you can use it under Apache and
>          usually they say yes, or they can change it for other people.
>          -
>          Justin will also share other tools and talks about how to do
>          releases. I’ve reviewed 4-500 releases.
>          -
>       Justin: There are projects with more licenses, so it’s definitely
>       feasible.
>       -
>       Michelle: Could we get it reviewed so we don’t screw it up
>       -
>          Yes, that’s the point of us (Alan/Justin).
> Steps for a release
>    -
>    Releases are code only. No binaries
>    -
>    A: I would start with the code release, then do the binaries later since
>    the code release is easier and very educational. Then non-conforming
>    licenses are out of the picture.
>    -
>    Someone says on the list, I propose to do a release, and let’s use this
>    label or cut at Friday
>    -
>    People discuss and come to a conclusion on where to cut the release
>    -
>       Projects do their releases in their own way
>       -
>    Release Guidelines:
>    -
>       Have disclaimers, notice -- there’s documentation
>       -
>       Build release package of source code (not compiled , no outside
>       packages)
>       -
>       Sign that with your PGP key and sha512
>       -
>       Put this up on a page and tell people, here it is, go vote on it
>       -
>             Tarball, gzip package
>             -
>             Signature
>             -
>             Sha hash on the package -- to check you build it and it’s what
>             you say it is.
>             -
>          Ideally we would have people test it at out this point
>          -
>       Since incubating, need our community to vote on it.
>       -
>       Then send email to incubator pmc to get votes on it, then done
>       -
>    Can ping gates@ for links for what to go in the notice file.
>    Alan/Justin: notice should be simple for your case.
>    -
>       Copyrights that have been relocated from source file
>       -
>       Any required third party notices that aren’t already mentioned in the
>       license file
>       -
>       If there’s
>       -
>       Date is 2018
>       -
>    Justin also sent links for all this
>    -
>    There is also another repository where we store javascript plugins.
>    Should we regard this as an external dependency?
>    -
>       Alan: Who owns that code? It’s up to them where they want to put it
>       -
>       Justin: It might be owned by the company who paid them to do it
>       -
>       Max: we refactored some sections and took them out to enable
>       embeddable charts. Some of it is a copy and some of it is
> refactored copy.
>       -
>       Do we call it Superset plugin
>       -
>       There’s no requirement that Superset is one thing only. You don;t
>       even need to release them together. Being pluggable.
>       -
>       Justin: It’s not something you need to figure out for your first
>       release. But what matters is if it’s an optional? If it’s not
> optional,
>       then is it still under Apache? Then it’s not a problem.
>       -
>       The license and notice should cover everything that is in the release
>       -
>       Moving it out is concerning if you’re using it in private
>       -
>    Justin & Alan: This is a place to learn. It’s better to do the first
>    release, even if all yoru ducks aren’t in a row, and learn from it.
> That’s
>    the point of the incubator. If it’s really out of bounds
>    -
>       Release what you can today and
>       -
>       I don’t think we should move forward in this frankenstein mode.
>       -
>       Max: if we commit, we should fully commit
> Other options
>    -
>    Alan: Other projects have certainly left Apache and gone their separate
>    ways. There are other software foundations or you can go it on your own.
>    -
>       Speaking as a person who has been doing this for a while, I think
>       being part of something is definitely needed, because otherwise
> you’re
>       reinventing the wheel
>       -
>    Max: how do we decide this?
>    -
>    Alan: Whether we shut down is the PMC.
>    -
>       If half want to stay and half want to leave, we probably wouldn’t
>       kick out
>       -
>    Jeff: Who is the community here
>    -
>       Alan: Binding votes are PPMC, but I really hope that community can
>       come to a consensus we can
>       -
>       Previously retired podlings: There are some that left. Not clear if
>       Apache would care about the name since it hasn’t been released. I
> don’t
>       think Apache would make it painful
>       -
>          Justin: I don’t think name would be an issue because it hasn’t
>          been released and hasn’t been trademarked.
>          -
>          Trademark is only done manually after release with a specific
>          request. Organizations can pay for it adn donate it to Apache
>          -
>    Max: If people want to stay in Apache, I want to make sure that more
>    people are helping with it.
>    -
>    Jeff: how much work is it?
>    -
>       Alan: the first one is different from all the other ones. I would
>       assume it’s a solid week of work. After that, it’s one day.
>       -
>       First time I did a pig release, the
>       -
>    Jeff: it seems like release process would be equal amount of effort re.
>    Releases.
>    -
>       Alan: Some things are more lightweight, other things are more
>       intense. E.g. blackduck that looks for copyright violations. You
> can bring
>       your own governance model.
>       -
>       It’s definitely different. There’s a lot more of you define your own
>       process vs.
>       -
>    Jeff: If there’s a will to move forward, can we stay?
>    -
>    Justin & Alan: Yes
>    -
>    Max: But, we need to commit or get out.
>    -
>    Justin: how any of the PMC are on the incubator list?
>    -
>       Do you read the board report -- reading this would help with
>       clarifying the ultimatum
>       -
>       Alan: this doesn’t show up in the emails. Everyone has access. It’s
>       published on the website. Or stored in SVN
>       -
>       Jeff: I’ve been creating these reports but it’s been going to a black
>       hole.
>       -
>       Alan: OK, we need to close the loop on this
>       -
>    Justin: I recommend adding more people to the PMC if you are stretched
>    thin.
>    -
>    Apache Incubator Board Minutes:
>    -
>    Alan: A +1 means both that you’re behind it and willing to support it.
>    -
>    Jeff: i don’t think it’s from a lack of commitment or lack of
>    willingness to play by the rules, but more lack of mentorship.
>    -
>    Max: I felt like this face to face meeting really helped, in a way that
>    was hard on mailing list
>    -
>    Alan: I encourage people to go to Apache con  -- it helps with this sort
>    of thing
>    -
>    Alan/Max: We should discuss this decision on the mailing list
> Action Items:
>    -
>    Alan to send a release checklist to us
> On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 9:54 PM Jeff Feng <>
> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > The PPMC and Committers <>
> > on
> > the Superset project are going to be meeting with one of our mentors
> (Alan
> > Gates) to receive coaching on learning the Apache Way as well as aligning
> > on a set of next steps forward.
> >
> > All are welcome to join and participate in the meeting.  It will be on
> > Thursday 12/13 from 2-4 pm PDT.  I have included the WebEx information
> > below.  We will share a summary of the meeting with Alan following the
> > meeting back to this thread.
> >
> > Best,
> > Jeff
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > <
> >
> > >
> > Meeting number: 626 615 201 JOIN FROM A VIDEO SYSTEM OR APPLICATION Dial
> > You can also dial and enter
> > your meeting number. JOIN BY PHONE 1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number
> > (US/Canada) Tap here to call (mobile phones only, hosts not supported):
> > tel:%2B1-650-479-3208,,*01*626615201%23%23*01* Global call-in numbers:
> >
> >
> > <
> >
> > >
> > Can't join the meeting?
> > <
> >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 2:40 PM Alan Gates <> wrote:
> >
> > > All, there are concerns in the Incubator that Superset is not learning
> > the
> > > Apache Way as it should.
> > > It is still doing non-Apache releases.  Some have pointed out evidence
> > that
> > > decisions may be being taken off list and corporate allegiance may be
> > > determining peoples choices.  If Superset is going to move through the
> > > Incubator and eventually graduate it needs to begin addressing these
> > issues
> > > immediately, as the Incubator PMC is loosing patience.  Alternatively,
> > > maybe Apache isn't the best home for Superset, and if so, that's ok.
> > >
> > > The purpose of this email is to start a discussion around what the
> > > community needs to do to address these issues.
> > >
> > > Alan.
> > >
> >


*Jeff Feng*
Product Lead
m: (949)-610-5108
twitter: @jtfeng

Reply via email to