On 04/04/2014 12:07 PM, Giacomo Lamonaco wrote:
Hi all,
as you know, in the previous months I worked on an early integration of Apache 
Camel in Syncope. The original purpose was to introduce a new component, the 
provisioning manager, that deals with user and role management. We decided to 
use Camel as base of the new component: we supposed that Camel routes could be 
used to express the provisioning logic.. and maybe we were right.

In these months I simplified both the user and the role controller: every 
operation that had to do with these two concepts (i.e. user creation),has been 
moved in the provisioning manager and now it's expressed using a route. This 
means that now we have a more accurate control on what's happening in the 
provisioning process and, using the right syntax, we can define complex 

In the last part of the work, we decided to focus more on the Syncope Console: 
we decided to add a new REST service that allows to read the routes 
definitions, and possibly modify them. You can find this new service under the 
Configuration section. In this case, routes are expressed through Spring DSL.

We decided to extend the Syncope Console for one main reason: Camel allows to 
add/remove routes at runtime, without stopping its context. In our case, since 
Camel routes represent part of Syncope provisioning logic, we are able to 
update some provisioning behaviour by changing the route content. In other 
word, if we want to change some provisioning logic, now we don't need to stop 
Syncope and create a new classes: we can do it directly in the console, without 
stopping Syncope.

As a final result, I made a video [1] that shows how to work with the new 
component. In my case, I'm updating the user creation route at runtime: with 
this modification, every time a new user is added, an email is sent to system 

What do you think? It make sense to integrate this work in Syncope?
Let me know!

Thanks for your attention.

Great work...BRAVO


Massimiliano Perrone
Tel +39 393 9121310

Tirasa S.r.l.
Viale D'Annunzio 267 - 65127 Pescara
Tel +39 0859116307 / FAX +39 0859111173

Apache Syncope PMC Member

"L'apprendere molte cose non insegna l'intelligenza"

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