Il 19/10/2015 12:08, Francesco Chicchiriccò ha scritto:
On 19/10/2015 12:06, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:
On 19/10/2015 11:54, Massimiliano Perrone wrote:
Hi all,
some questions about and the "configuration stack".

1) Why ConfigurationService has a method called list when this method return a ConfTO object? 1.1) Why not a get() for list() and a read(String schema) for get(String schema)?

2) Why the "configuration stack" is like the others when JPAConf manage only CPlainAttr? The most of those methods are unnecessary and misleading.

This questions because I'm using the Syncope common library to develop and the configuration service doesn't seem to be intuitive.

The point is that with SYNCOPE-290 (released with Syncope 1.2.0-M1 on Sep 8th, 2014) general configuration parameters are now implemented as if they were user attributes: this brought some nice add-ons likes as type management, read-only and multi-value support and so on.

In order to implement that, we had to define an immutable Conf entity (similar to User, Group and AnyObject) which holds the list of configuration attributes. This internal representation - which I hardly think that can be changed soon - does not necessarily need to be reflected in the REST interface, though.

So, I am +1 if you want to change

    ConfTO list();


    List<AttrTO> list();

in ConfigurationService (and then in ConfigurationServiceImpl and ConfigurationLogic / ConfigurationDataBinder) accordingly.

At this point I also believe we could safely remove the ConfTO class at all.

...naturally, this only on master, not for 1_2_X, as it would introduce a breaking change in the REST interface.

 +1. I will open an issue ASAP.


Massimiliano Perrone
Tel +39 393 9121310

Tirasa S.r.l.
Viale D'Annunzio 267 - 65127 Pescara
Tel +39 0859116307 / FAX +39 0859111173

"L'apprendere molte cose non insegna l'intelligenza"

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