Hi all (and sorry for cross-posting),
as recently announced [1], there is a new helpful tool around at The ASF:


Basically, it's a place where ASF projects can advertise the tasks they need help for.

I have just created [2] for our need of reviewing and completing documentation for the final 2.0.0 release.

Any more task(s) to open there?

Anyone interested in helping with [2]?


[1] http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/community-dev/201602.mbox/%3C56B76A4A.5070104%40apache.org%3E [2] https://helpwanted.apache.org/task.html?4878d3f5cef089085e3f6534712485ac0fbabdaa

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Involved at The Apache Software Foundation:
member, Syncope PMC chair, Cocoon PMC, Olingo PMC, CXF committer

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