On 03/09/19 09:05, Misagh Moayyed wrote:
> Hi Marco,
> I have begun to learn and study SYNCOPE-163 for which there is this pending 
> PR by you:
> https://github.com/apache/syncope/pull/103
> Would you mind putting together a few notes/paragraphs on the high level 
> design, abstractions and intention of each component on the wiki? Or if there 
> is one already, could you point me to it please? Any sort of documentation 
> that you can spare on the design would be most welcome, as time allows.

Hi Misagh,
welcome to Apache Syncope.

Marco, I created


which should be the right place where to put your thoughts about the
authentication features to implement in Syncope 3.0.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

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