On 09/09/19 11:37, Misagh Moayyed wrote:
> Hello all,
> In discussing git workflows with Francesco, I have learned that the Travis CI 
> process is not actually running a comprehensive set of tests and checks (such 
> as checkstyle, etc) that would be valuable for pull requests and 
> contributors, possibly because such jobs take a long time, more than what is 
> allowed by Travis CI. I'd like to propose to reorganize the CI build process 
> to take advantage of the build stages feature [1]. This [2] demonstrates an 
> example where a given build is broken down into multiple stages, each of 
> which has numerous jobs.
> A key thing to note in this configuration, as I understand, is that a given 
> CI build can have an *unlimited* number of stages, each with an unlimited 
> number of jobs. While each job cannot exceed a certain timeout value [3], the 
> collective overall build stage can go on forever in theory. Also, stages do 
> depend on each other such that failures in one would halt the build. A 
> typical example would be: "Run the build, and if everything compiles, run 
> tests, then publish snapshots, etc".
> I think this is quite valuable for contributors who, specially, work on 
> multiple JIRAs at the same time. A sample workflow is to add a change, do 
> some sanity tests and then push to let CI run the full build suite. While 
> it's busy kicking off the build, one could switch to the next JIRA to repeat 
> the same process, and as such hop back and forth between branches and JIRAs 
> to parallelize work activity. Ultimately, the CI is the canonical reference 
> for all changes and this would avoid the problem of "but it works on my 
> machine" and of course, saves quite a bit of time. (A full build for me takes 
> about 20-30 minutes, if the stars align).
> How do folks feel about this proposal?

Hi Misagh,
thanks for bringing this item to discussion: improving our CI power is
definitely more than welcome.

I would say there are several requirements one might want to handle:

1. run the straight "mvn clean install" one normally performs on his /
her laptop, which involves RAT checks, Checkstyle, modernizer, etc, all
unit and integration tests

1a. run integration tests with different content types [5]

2. run the Admin UI tests [4], currently not run by default under

3. run the Enduser UI tests ([4] for master), currently not run by
default under fit/core-reference

4. run integration tests under the other supported Java EE containers
(besides Tomcat) [6]

5. run integration tests with the other supported DBMSes (besides H2) [7]

6. run integration tests with Elasticsearch - not documented but available

7. run SAML 2.0 / OpenID Connect 1.0 login tests - not documented but
available (only master)

I am not saying we should cover all above in one shot, just reporting
the full requirements; I would be happy even with only (1), a great
progress anyway compared to the current situation.

I am not sure about [3] - we should ask ASF Infra to issue such a
request, in case, as they are the actual owner of the GitHub repo.


> [1] https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/build-stages/
> [2] https://travis-ci.org/apereo/cas/builds/581042662
> [3] The good folks at Travis CI in the past have been kind enough to increase 
> the timeout from 50 minutes to 180 minutes and they might be willing to make 
> the same change for syncope. Larger tasks need to be broken down to separate 
> jobs, of course.
> [4] http://syncope.apache.org/building#All_integration_tests
> [5] http://syncope.apache.org/building#Other_Content-Type_values
> [6] http://syncope.apache.org/building#Java_EE_containers
> [7] http://syncope.apache.org/building#DBMSes

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

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