On 16/01/20 17:37, Misagh Moayyed wrote:
> Hey Team,
> Wanted to share a couple of ideas with you to see if they may be worth 
> following up with JIRAs and PRs:

Hi Misagh, thanks for sharing your ideas!

> - While working on Syncope, often times I end up making a change in the admin 
> console (i.e. adding a configuration parameter), and then I export/download 
> the configuration XML, pick out the new changes from the saved XML file to 
> put into my own version of the MasterContent.xml. This works great with one 
> small issue and that is, I have to download and the save file. It would be 
> more comfortable if Syncope offered a way to just view the XML configuration 
> with an export option separately.

Nice one, and quite simple to implement, I would say...

> - Similarly, it would be even better if I the admin console allowed one to 
> view the XML configuration of an individual item. For example, I would be 
> interested in seeing the XML representation of the new configuration 
> parameter I added in the admin console, or it might be a user object, group, 
> etc. 
This is more complex, as it requires some logic to bind high-level objects (as 
"Configuration Parameters") down to actual database tables - in this case it 
would be CPlainAttr and its relationships, e.g. SyncopeSchema, PlainSchema, 
CPlainAttr, CPlainAttrValue and CPlainAttrUniqueValue.

Such logic can leverage OpenJPA's metadata information of course - still, not 


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

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