+1. Happy to kick off the release scripts the week of June 25th. We should 
probably kick off the python perf test suite the week before to avoid 

Berthold Reinwald
IBM Almaden Research Center
office: (408) 927 2208; T/L: 457 2208
e-mail: reinw...@us.ibm.com

From:   Krishna Kalyan <krishnakaly...@gmail.com>
To:     dev@systemml.apache.org
Date:   06/05/2018 10:09 PM
Subject:        Re: Release Planning SystemML 1.2


I am completely available to help with the QA cycle and help with 
to new perf test suite.


On Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 8:59 AM, Matthias Boehm <mboe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> given our current release cadence of about 3 month, we should start
> talking about our SystemML 1.2 release. There have been many new
> features, improvements over all backends, and various critical fixes.
> I know there are still some tasks that should go into 1.2, and for
> this QA cycle we'd like to switch to the new python perf test suite.
> How about we aim for an RC1 by end of June which would give us more
> than 3 weeks from now?
> Regards,
> Matthias

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