yes, you're absolutely right - in this form, results would always differ. Even if we feed a seed to both R and DML scripts, the implementation of our rand is very different as we need to ensure that, given a seed, we generate the same data in local and distributed operations. Accordingly, we derive seeds for each 1K x 1K block from the initial seed.

For testing purposes, we usually use one of the following two approaches: (1) use constant matrices or sequences (matrix/seq), or (2) generate the random data outside and read it into both scripts. Accordingly, I would recommend to create a copy of the dml script, place it inside the test directory, and modify the script accordingly.


On 15/01/2019 05:40, Janardhan wrote:

I have replicated AutoEncoder-2layer script in R. But, can the output files
(W1, b1, ...) will match the R script. (not matching in my implementation).

Because, we have used Rand functions without seed in dml script also R
doesn't provide any Rand(.., seed=..) function. I have just used

*IN DML : Rand(m, n, min=-1, max=1)*
*IN R: runif(n, min=-1, max=1) %*% matrix(1, m, 1) *

Should the results from Autoencoder-2layer.dml will match with that of R


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