Hi Krishna,
There is immediate need for SystemML project to run performance testing and 
analyze results efficiently.Though this is small part of your overall GSoC 
project, its important to start with it and grow from there.In short term it 
will help SystemML project to expedite release cycles and in long run you will 
get head start on the project.
What we need for short run to get performance testing for every release cycle 
or even beyond.   1. How to setup environment with configurable parameters 
quickly. (We have scripts may need some tweaking or some additional 
configuration)   2. Run performance scripts with configuration option of Data 
size (8GB, 80GB, 8000GB etc or ALL), Different set of algorithms regression, 
classification or all   3. Collect time required to run individual algorithm 
for a given size. and store it in CSV or any suitable format file for further 
processing.   4. Compare results obtained from step 3 to previous runs 
(previous release, RC etc)   5. Generate report indicating, Failures scenarios, 
Outliers (time taken was more than tolerance level (say x%), and Successful 
cases.        Each to be separated out so that reading those reports will be 

 Arvind Surve | Spark Technology Center  | http://www.spark.tc/

      From: Matthias Boehm <mboe...@googlemail.com>
 To: dev@systemml.incubator.apache.org 
 Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2017 3:27 PM
 Subject: Re: GSoC : Getting started contributions
A great issue to start with would be SYSTEMML-546, which aims to cleanup
and extend our existing application tests. This would get you in touch with
DML and PyDML algorithm scripts as well as the R scripts for comparisons.


On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 2:58 PM, Krishna Kalyan <krishnakaly...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> I quite recently applied for GSoC. (Proposal below)  [ Automate performance
> testing and reporting]
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DKWZTWvrvs73GYa1q3XEN5GFo8ALG
> jLH2DrIfRsJksA/edit#
> As part of my effort to understand the codebase, I would like to work on
> minor/medium issues. Could someone from the community please guide with
> JIRAs I could work on during my spare time.
> (I am comfortable with Python, R and bash).
> Regards,
> Krishna


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