On 2/20/18, 4:35 PM, "Dmitry Gusev" <dmitry.gu...@gmail.com> wrote:

    Email received from outside the company. If in doubt don't click links nor 
open attachments!


    I guess your answer is mostly about formatting HTML output using TML markup?

Yes exactly. The template rendering technology is great in Tapestry, I wish it 
could be abstracted for other applications.  I’ve been using Freemarker and it 
sucks by comparison just like JSP sucked by blurring code and presentation into 
a new and unnecessary technology.

Perhaps the easiest thing would be to run a Tapestry App with an embedded Jetty 
instance, and just page request the content to copy into the emails? And 
another advantage is the web page could be linked to itself for a click this 
link to read mail online option? It wouldn’t surprise me if this was actually 
faster as well.


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