Thank you very much for the details, Andy. I'm doing my best to come up to
speed on all this.

A question:
In looking at the LICENSE files, and the Apache documentation (, I'm wondering about
the Taverna Language License, which contains several copyright notices. The
documentation I referenced says: "Use the NOTICE file to collect copyright
notices and required attributions." Am I misinterpreting this? Should these
copyright notices be in the NOTICE file? (Profuse apologies if this was
already discussed when I was less up-to-speed.)


On Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 2:19 AM Andy Seaborne <> wrote:

> On 27/02/16 23:33, Stian Soiland-Reyes wrote:
> > Use this thread to discuss any issues with RC5 which is currently
> > under VOTE. If needed we'll also make Jira issues.
> >
> > Under the corresponding [VOTE] thread - only reply with your vote,
> > e.g. "+1". It is a single vote for releasing all three artifacts at
> > once.
> >
> Releases are the high point a project.
> PPMC members - feel morally obliged to vote!
> Everyone else - help out - it's not "devs and users" - it's "community".
> Don't forget what really matters when you vote +1 is that the release
> meets the Apache requirements and then any additional local community
> norms.
> A quick and not complete summary of what a VOTE entails:
> ** Source
> The source artifact is the thing being released.
>     Binaries and git are secondary.
> People voting must download the source artifact and check it.
> do the signatures on the source archive check out?
> does the commit id lead to the same sources?
> ** ASF licensing policy
> Much of this code being is released for the first time so LICENSE and
> NOTICE are mostly new.
> does the NOTICE file contain all necessary attributions?
> is there a correct LICENSE and NOTICE file in each artifact (both source
> and binary artifacts)?
> ** Build
> does the build of the source artifact actually produce the binaries?
> check the dependencies.
> ** Process
> Support the release manager!
> The minimum is 3 +1 votes with a majority in favour.
> The RM decides about what to do about comments.
> Does the quality level meet the group norms?
>    ("can we live with it?" and not "is it perfect?")
>         Andy

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