+1 - I¹ve been testing this branch with Tez+Uber+External hybrid mode


On 8/17/15, 3:19 PM, "Siddharth Seth" <ss...@apache.org> wrote:

>Following up from the earlier note about merging the TEZ-2003 branch back
>into master, this is a vote for the same.
>There've been a bunch of reviews, and comments answered / addressed /
> tracked for future work, test-patch reports are mostly clean (waiting for
>a new findbugs report), and the branch has been running with an external
>service (LLAP - HIVE-7926) on a multi-node cluster for several months.
>Work will continue on the feature after the merge. There's several pending
>jiras, which can be worked on after the changes are available in master.
>Some are simple changes like renames - which will be just before or soon
>after the merge.
>After a merge is complete, I'll call for a release off of the 0.8 line -
>an alpha, to get the bits available to downstream users, as well as to
>allow the changes to go through more testing.
>The vote will is open for at least 72 hours.
>- Sid

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