Hi all,

Kicking off the discussion for the release plan of Tez 0.10.0. Note that
there is a significant overlap with the upcoming 0.9.2 release.
It may be that all (or almost all) tickets planned for 0.9.2 are included
in 0.10.0, so I include those also in the links below.

Some of the tickets that had been marked 0.9.next last year have not had
much activity, please remark on those JIRAs if you have an

Currently there are a 7 PA:  targetVersion in (0.9.2, 0.9.next, 0.10.0)


and 6 Open/InProgress:


If you are working on one of the JIRAs targeting for 0.9.2/0.10.0, and you
believe it is a blocker, please mark it as such in the next few days.

Any other thoughts/feedback is much appreciated.


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