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From: Adrian Nicoara
Sent: Monday, August 6, 2018 7:13 PM
To:; Hitesh Sharma <>; . Anupam 
Subject: RE: Null EdgeManager deadlock

After a bit trial and error, it seems that the condition for all edges to be 
initialized is needed, because:<>

I fixed my scenario by having B listen for VertexState.PARALLELISM_UPDATED 
event, as that will always be sent by A (in my scenario):<>
and it is equivalent, for my purposes, with A being configured.
Sorry for the noise.

One last question - if B can configure the edge managers at any time after 
tasks in A have run, is there code that asserts that the new EdgeManager will 
align the number of outputs it specifies for source tasks in A, with what the 
old EdgeManager used to have, and hence align with the output spec that tasks 
in A used for running?

From: Adrian Nicoara
Sent: Monday, August 6, 2018 5:52 PM
To: '' <<>>; 
Hitesh Sharma <<>>; . Anupam 
Subject: Null EdgeManager deadlock


Consider the following graph:
A ---- E ----> B
With source vertex A connected to destination vertex B through edge E.

Edge E is defined through:<>
with a null EdgeManagerPluginDescriptor, to have the edge manager setup at 

Assume that both vertex A and vertex B have a custom VertexManager, and need to 
be configured at runtime.
Vertex B waits for vertex A to be configured, before attempting to configure 
itself. As part of its configuration, vertex B will use:<>
to create the edge manager for E amongst other things.

However, because of the following code:<>
which adds edge E to the set of uninitialized edges, when vertex A has been 
reconfigured, then it's call to:<>
will end up not sending any Vertexstate.CONFIGURE updates:<>
because canInitVertex returns false, as vertex.uninitializedEdges is not empty:<>

Now, vertex A has no way of creating an edge manager for edge E, so that edge 
will never be initialized - only vertex B does that initialization.
This ends up in a deadlock, as vertex B never gets the notification that vertex 
A has been configured.

What is then the right way of constructing this graph.
Do uninitialized target edges need to be monitored in source vertices at all? 
i.e. is this code needed:<>

Thank you for any insight.

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