This question has come up a couple times on the user@ list and also on irc
and I thought it might be good to discuss. What do people think about
creating a new git repository for release artifacts for any of our client
libraries that use in tree git versioning for their given build systems.
This would remove the need to download 30+ mb of data each time someone
would like to get a specific version of our Thrift client libraries. The
libraries that pop into mind right away are PHP, Go and Node.

They would not contain a master branch and we would not take pull requests
for those repos, they would only contain the released branches of the given
client libraries along with a README pointing back at our main
apache/thrift repository and any necessary build versioning files (like a
composer.json file in the php case). Example would be apache/thrift-php
branch 0.9.3 would be identical to the contents of apache/thrift 0.9.3
lib/php folder.



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