How do the images in

I modified the build scripts for travis to use build stages:

Stage 1 is docker, and we build trusty, xenial, and artful images.
Stage 2 is testing, and we are supposed to use those images.

The script that triggers this looks like:

if dockerfile_changed; then
  echo Dockerfile has not changed.  No need to rebuild.
  exit 0

echo Dockerfile has changed.  Rebuilding docker image $DISTRO.
docker build --tag $SRC_IMG build/docker/$DISTRO

Once the docker image is built and tagged, with "build --tag", shouldn't it
show up in the repository at automatically?  It
isn't, and I don't know how that part of the build process works or is
supposed to work.

If someone tries to build in travis CI on a fork, I assume they would not
have the right permissions to tag or re-tag images, however for an official
apache/thrift generated build, shouldn't that build be able to tag directly?

Here's PR I submitted:
Here's the Travis CI job:
Note how build jobs 3+ rebuilt the docker image, even though build job 2
was supposed to have built and tagged it?  And the tag in hasn't been updated for
whatever reason?  How do I find out why?



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