Hi all,

a few days ago Jim raised the question about the policy regarding JIRA tickets.
As I am not fully happy with either solution we practiced so far, I gave it a 
second thought.

So here’s my proposal:

          1. We have one ticket per patch or pull request.
          2. Minor changes may be put into one patch/PR.

The first part should be obvious, so let me focus on the second point.

Larger changes should still be split into multiple Patches / PRs, because they 
usually come with their own language specific discussion, problems, 
implermentation details and last not least test cases.  In contrast, if a patch 
is quite minorish and affects a lot of languages needing a 3-liner fix in 
(basically) the same way, there is no point in creating 20 tickets just for the 
sake of having them.

A larger patch is defined by “changes that cannot easily be 
managed/commented/reviewed by one single person as a whole”. Yes, that’s a 
vague criterion, but it should only serve as a “intended outcome” kind of 
guide. The whole idea is to reduce unnecessary administrative overhead where 
possible, but split up matters where necessary. That’s what I want to achieve.

Could that work for us? Are there any objections? Other (maybe better) ideas?

Have fun,

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