
We've been using this RC in production for about a week with no issues.

On Mon, 7 Aug 2023, at 18:19, Yuxuan Wang wrote:
> +1.
> We tested the go compiler/lib but didn't finish the python test in time but
> don't want to hold this forever.
> Also there's a new RC for go1.21 so I don't want that to hold this release
> forever as well.
> Sorry for the late vote.
> On Tue, Jul 18, 2023 at 4:14 PM Yuxuan Wang <yuxuan.w...@reddit.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for the work, Jens!
>> We already tested the RC version on a go service in our environment. We
>> also have another team to try to test the RC version on a python service,
>> but that's more challenging (especially for an unreleased version that
>> there's no pre-built python packages) so it might take a few more days.
>> Another thing that's not really a release blocker but I would prefer to
>> wait for a little bit is https://github.com/apache/thrift/pull/2821,
>> which depends on the release of Go 1.21. There was go 1.21-rc2 from June 21
>> and -rc3 from July 14, so I would expect the actual release will happen
>> very soon, and it would be great to wait a bit and align our releases
>> (since we both have similar release cadence of twice a year).
>> On Sat, Jul 15, 2023 at 3:20 AM Jens Geyer <je...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> All,
>>> I propose that we accept the following release candidate as the official
>>> Apache Thrift 0.19.0 release:
>>> https://protect.checkpoint.com/v2/___https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/thrift/0.19.0-rc0/thrift-0.19.0.tar.gz___.YzJ1OnJlZGRpdDpjOmc6ZWI5MWFkNzI2OWQxMWVlMTZiNWYzODUyMThmYjk4YWQ6NjoyZTU4OmQ0Yzk5YTQzZTViOTk2Njc5YjA3NzcwZTA2ZmNhZjFjZjM0ODdjMmM3MWJhYWI0ZjA1ZjI0ZjAwZWJhNTBkNzE6cDpU
>>> The release candidate was created from the release/0.19.0 branch and can
>>> be cloned using:
>>> git clone -b release/0.19.0
>>> https://protect.checkpoint.com/v2/___https://github.com/apache/thrift.git___.YzJ1OnJlZGRpdDpjOmc6ZWI5MWFkNzI2OWQxMWVlMTZiNWYzODUyMThmYjk4YWQ6NjowZDM0OjI3YmY2NzVjZjhjNjhjMTVjNTllYjQ4NzNlYmU4MDM4NzkxOTBjZDMxZTFkMDUwNTc1YjM5MmIzYzJjMDQzMDI6cDpU
>>> The release candidates GPG signature can be found at:
>>> https://protect.checkpoint.com/v2/___https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/thrift/0.19.0-rc0/thrift-0.19.0.tar.gz.asc___.YzJ1OnJlZGRpdDpjOmc6ZWI5MWFkNzI2OWQxMWVlMTZiNWYzODUyMThmYjk4YWQ6NjplZGMzOmI0YWM4OGI1MGU0MTFkNTJkZjlkMGVlYzk5ZmNlNGRiN2RmODMyZmIwNzcxMWI2YjFhMzIwMjcwOWI1ZjcwNjY6cDpU
>>> The release candidates checksums are:
>>> md5: d1f7f19a23e1830f83052c050156cebc
>>> sha1: f06f3a281bb41eed789d0e88d8a1b35405c664a8
>>> sha256: c5a6ac0aca3bf1fd8a2f6afffc24bdf247cd8188480222c89f14a7900f7d6a51
>>> A prebuilt statically-linked Windows compiler is available at:
>>> https://protect.checkpoint.com/v2/___https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/thrift/0.19.0-rc0/thrift-0.19.0.exe___.YzJ1OnJlZGRpdDpjOmc6ZWI5MWFkNzI2OWQxMWVlMTZiNWYzODUyMThmYjk4YWQ6Njo5NDIzOjUxNTRlM2IxMDlmY2VjOWY5OWM4NjVjNzQzNmM2NTE1NTJmNzdmMmRlMGMyOTNlOGEzOTQ1MTk2MjJhZDFlMWI6cDpU
>>> Prebuilt statically-linked Windows compiler GPG signature:
>>> https://protect.checkpoint.com/v2/___https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/thrift/0.19.0-rc0/thrift-0.19.0.exe.asc___.YzJ1OnJlZGRpdDpjOmc6ZWI5MWFkNzI2OWQxMWVlMTZiNWYzODUyMThmYjk4YWQ6Njo5YWQ3OjFhNjNmZGZjNmJiM2YxODY2ODAxNmY4NGFjYWYzYjdkNmNjMWNjNTA5OWJhYzVmZjdhZWExYTI1ZDQ4ZDExMzA6cDpU
>>> Prebuilt statically-linked Windows compiler checksums are:
>>> md5: cf4a7d003893c4503fc7105aef0259ca
>>> sha1: d0e67bb8c89ee557614fd9e1e0f3086ff67164c9
>>> sha256: 1f1ce1658df1226a35dc6a6318da6d534328e24f3c99da4dee847eb57654401d
>>> The CHANGES list for this release is available at:
>>> https://protect.checkpoint.com/v2/___https://github.com/apache/thrift/blob/0.19.0/CHANGES.md___.YzJ1OnJlZGRpdDpjOmc6ZWI5MWFkNzI2OWQxMWVlMTZiNWYzODUyMThmYjk4YWQ6NjoyZjVkOjkxMDkwNjY1YjU4MDQ1NWRjNmFhM2ZiM2Q1MGY1NzhlOGFhZDU3MDEwY2Q1ODAwMzNlYzMwZjIwYmI3ZTRmOWI6cDpU
>>> Please download, verify sig/sum, install and test the libraries and
>>> languages of your choice.
>>> This vote will close in 109 hours on 2023-07-20 00:00 UTC
>>> https://protect.checkpoint.com/v2/___https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20230720T0000&p0=1440___.YzJ1OnJlZGRpdDpjOmc6ZWI5MWFkNzI2OWQxMWVlMTZiNWYzODUyMThmYjk4YWQ6NjpkOGMzOjNiOTY1ZTZkNjcwNzVlOGU0OTc2N2EyOTcxNzYwNDI0ZDUwN2E5M2M2ODEwMzFmZTM2NWNiNGZmNjMwNjY5NDg6cDpU
>>> [ ] +1 Release this as Apache Thrift 0.19.0
>>> [ ] +0
>>> [ ] -1 Do not release this as Apache Thrift 0.19.0 because...
>>> Have fun,
>>> JensG

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