On Fri, 14 Feb 2014, Annie Burgess wrote:
I also live in a sort-of removed location - Anchorage, AK. If anyone knows of any developers up north, I'd love to try to connect with the AK Apache community.

There are two main public places where Apache committers announce their locations:
 * http://community.zones.apache.org/
 * http://people.apache.org/map.html
Sadly though, those seem to show your nearest public-location Apache person is in Canada. Well, either there or Russia, google maps isn't that great at giving a visual indication of relative distances at your latitude...

The best option in such as case is to go to ApacheCon. It's roughly every year, so it might be a bit of a wait, but there you'll find loads of new committers to share your experiences with, and plenty of old hands to learn from!

Otherwise, your next best bet is to find any open source group near you, and join them. Some things can differ between open source communities (licenses, languages, getting started), but some parts will be general. So, if all you can find near you is a LUG or a PerlMongers group or some Django-istas, it's better than nothing! Head along, learn from them, share with them, and get what you can.

Oh, and one other thing - the pa...@apache.org list. If you're heading somewhere more populous for any reason, drop a note to the party@ list, and see if there's anyone where you're off to. You can often arrange to meet up with some interesting people for a chat / drink / meal, where you can learn both about Apache and where you're visiting. Last time I was in central Europe, I ended up having Sunday lunch with a local tomcat committer and all his extended family! Good chat about Apache, good chat about the place I was visiting, so double win :)


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