"It's not clear to me if the problem exists in HSQLDB, the test, or tail

This had nothing to do with the TailStep bug. That one is resolved for
the most part.

For the rest, where the problem is, is itself part of the problem.
Thread.interrupt() has rather weak semantics having many different
behaviors. Some reset the flag, some throw an exception some swallow and
some do a combination of all. I don't think engaging 3rd parties with
regards to this is an option. Firstly there are way to many 3rd parties
where the InterruptException is being caught to even start. Secondly I
reckon as the semantics are weak every 3rd party engagement will turn
into a discussion itself. From what I gather many 3rd parties call
Thread.wait/join/sleep and handle the InterruptException for the
interrupt that they are expecting. I imagine they are swallowing the
exception and not resetting the flag with good cause.

Regarding delegating the query to a separate thread, even if Sqlg
executes the sql in a different thread there are still many other 3rd
party libraries that might interfere with the expected interrupt logic
outside of just the sql query.

This makes me of the opinion that Thread.interrupt is an unreliable
mechanism for interrupting a traversal.

Regarding asynchronous or synchronous I'd say the interrupt request
should be asynchronous with a Future that returns on a successful
cancellation. That way you can wait for it or not.

>From what I understand the complexity is more in GremlinServer that
executes scripts and has no real concept of a traversal. It does not
even really want to interrupt a traversal as such but rather a script
which may itself contain many traversals. I reckon it will have to pass
in a object when executing the script which the graph will store in a
threadvar. The graph can then register all traversals executing in the
thread on that object. And when the time comes to interrupt a script
GremlinServer will call interrupt on that object which in turn will
interrupt the current executing traversal. Something like that is what I
am thinking of.


On 22/07/2016 14:24, Robert Dale wrote:
> Trying to summarize the concerns I think I'm hearing:
> 1. cancelling the gremlin job
> 2. cancelling the task in the backend database, this implies handling
> at minimum:
>   a. commit state: interruptable
>   b: rollback state: probably not interruptable
> 3. responding to the client, returning the thread
> Should these things done synchronously or asynchronously or some
> combination? The answer may depend on how decoupled they are.
> Separately, are tests doing the right thing? It's not clear to me if
> the problem exists in HSQLDB, the test, or tail step.
> I think if Thread.interrupt() is the right way, then that's the way it
> should be done regardless of bad citizen libraries.
> Handle 3rd party bad citizens by:
> - filing a bug with them. Maybe they will fix or justify the behavior.
> - tracking them in a Known Issues list
> - workaround them as close as possible to the problem:
> I'm not familiar with how providers work so I don't know how generally
> applicable this would be, but in the case of Sqlg, the sql query
> itself could be delegated to a separate thread in which special
> interrupt strategies could be implemented such as the while loop.
> Side question: are there management tools in gremlin server to see
> currently running tasks and kill them? Or is that something that would
> be delegated to the backend database?

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