Sorry forgot to add a rather important part.

I changed ImmutablePath's constructor to

    private ImmutablePath(final ImmutablePathImpl previousPath, final
Object currentObject, final Set<String> currentLabels) {
        this.previousPath = previousPath;
        this.currentObject = currentObject;
        this.currentLabels = currentLabels;
//        this.currentLabels.addAll(currentLabels);

Setting the collection directly as oppose to `addAll`


On 05/08/2016 20:40, pieter-gmail wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been optimizing Sqlg of late and eventually arrived at TinkerPop
> code.
> The gremlin in particular that I am interested is path queries.
> Here is the test that I am running in jmh.
>         //@Setup
>         Vertex a = graph.addVertex(T.label, "A", "name", "a1");
>         for (int i = 1; i < 1_000_001; i++) {
>             Vertex b = graph.addVertex(T.label, "B", "name", "name_" + i);
>             a.addEdge("outB", b);
>             for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) {
>                 Vertex c = graph.addVertex(T.label, "C", "name", "name_"
> + i + " " + j);
>                 b.addEdge("outC", c);
>             }  
>         }
> And the query being benchmarked is
>         GraphTraversal<Vertex, Path> traversal =
> g.V(a).as("a").out().as("b").out().as("c").path();
>         while (traversal.hasNext()) {
>             Path path =;
>         }
> Before the optimization, (as things are now)
> Benchmark                                 Mode Cnt  Score Error       Units
> GremlinPathBenchmark.g_path  avgt  100  1.086 ± 0.020   s/op
> The optimization I did is in AbstractStep.prepareTraversalForNextStep,
> to not call addLabels() for path gremlins as the labels are known by the
> step and do not change again so there is not need to keep adding them.
>     private final Traverser.Admin<E> prepareTraversalForNextStep(final
> Traverser.Admin<E> traverser) {
>         if (!this.traverserStepIdAndLabelsSetByChild) {
>             traverser.setStepId(this.nextStep.getId());
>             if (traverser instanceof B_LP_O_P_S_SE_SL_Traverser) {
>             } else {
>                 traverser.addLabels(this.labels);
>             }  
>         }  
>         return traverser;
>     } 
> After optimization,
> Benchmark                                 Mode Cnt  Score Error       Units
> GremlinPathBenchmark.g_path  avgt  100  0.680 ± 0.004   s/op
> 1.086 vs 0.689 seconds for the traversal.
> I ran the Structured and Process test suites. 2 tests are failing with
> this optimization.
> InjectTest.g_VX1X_out_name_injectXdanielX_asXaX_mapXlengthX_path fails with
> "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The step with label a does not exist"
> and
> SerializationTest.shouldSerializePathAsDetached fails with
> "Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Class is not registered:
> java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet"
> Before investigating the failures is this optimization worth pursuing?
> Thanks
> Pieter

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