Hello Pieter,

There was a bug in RepeatStep OLAP around emit().as(‘x’) that was fixed in 
3.2.3. Perhaps it is related…



> On Oct 26, 2016, at 3:44 AM, pieter-gmail <pieter.mar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks, now I know Sqlg has indeed been bugged. I am loosing the label
> after the emit().as("b").
> Cheers
> Pieter
> On 25/10/2016 21:29, Marko Rodriguez wrote:
>> Here is a simple test. Remove PathRetractionStrategy from TinkerGraph 
>> traversal and see what you get? Do you get what Sqlg returns or the same as 
>> if with PathRetractionStrategy.
>> E.g.
>> graph = TinkerFactory.createModern();
>> g = graph.traversal().withoutStrategies(PathRetractionStrategy.class);
>> g.V().the().traversal().to().test()
>> If you get the same answer without PathRetractionStrategy, then you know 
>> that Sqlg is bugged.
>> HTH,
>> Marko.
>> http://markorodriguez.com
>>> On Oct 24, 2016, at 2:21 PM, pieter-gmail <pieter.mar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Ok apologies. I thought I spotted the difference and simplified the
>>> gremlin too much to highlight what I thought I saw. The above mentioned
>>> queries are returning the same result in Sqlg as TinkerGraph.
>>> Here is what is not working.
>>>       final TinkerGraph g = TinkerFactory.createModern();
>>>       GraphTraversal<Vertex, Map<Vertex, Collection<Vertex>>>
>>> traversal = g.traversal()
>>>               .V().as("a")
>>>               .repeat(both()).times(3).emit().as("b")
>>>               .<Vertex, Collection<Vertex>>group().by(select("a"));
>>>       printTraversalForm(traversal);
>>>       while (traversal.hasNext()) {
>>>           Map<Vertex, Collection<Vertex>> vertexMap = traversal.next();
>>>           for (Vertex vertex : vertexMap.keySet()) {
>>>               Collection<Vertex> coll = vertexMap.get(vertex);
>>>               System.out.println("key: " + vertex.value("name") + ",
>>> value: " + coll.size());
>>>           }
>>>       }
>>> For this Sqlg has the same result as TinkerGraph.
>>> TinkerGraph
>>> post-strategy:[TinkerGraphStep(vertex,[])@[a],
>>> RepeatStep([VertexStep(BOTH,vertex),
>>> RepeatEndStep],until(loops(3)),emit(true))@[b],
>>> GroupStep([SelectOneStep(a), NoOpBarrierStep(2500)],[FoldStep])]
>>> Sqlg
>>> post-strategy:[SqlgGraphStepCompiled(vertex,[])@[sqlgPathFakeLabel],
>>> GroupStep([SelectOneStep(a)],[FoldStep])]
>>> key: marko, value: 27
>>> key: vadas, value: 11
>>> key: lop, value: 27
>>> key: josh, value: 27
>>> key: ripple, value: 11
>>> key: peter, value: 11
>>> Adding in the extra by()
>>>       final TinkerGraph g = TinkerFactory.createModern();
>>>       GraphTraversal<Vertex, Map<Vertex, Collection<Vertex>>>
>>> traversal = g.traversal()
>>>               .V().as("a")
>>>               .repeat(both()).times(3).emit().as("b")
>>>               .<Vertex, Collection<Vertex>>group().by(select("a"))
>>>               .by(select("b").dedup().order().by(T.id).fold());
>>>       printTraversalForm(traversal);
>>>       while (traversal.hasNext()) {
>>>           Map<Vertex, Collection<Vertex>> vertexMap = traversal.next();
>>>           for (Vertex vertex : vertexMap.keySet()) {
>>>               Collection<Vertex> coll = vertexMap.get(vertex);
>>>               System.out.println("key: " + vertex.value("name") + ",
>>> value: " + coll.size());
>>>           }
>>>       }
>>> TinkerGraph prints
>>> post-strategy:[TinkerGraphStep(vertex,[])@[a],
>>> RepeatStep([VertexStep(BOTH,vertex),
>>> RepeatEndStep],until(loops(3)),emit(true))@[b],
>>> GroupStep([SelectOneStep(a), NoOpBarrierStep(2500)],[SelectOneStep(b),
>>> DedupGlobalStep, OrderGlobalStep([[id, incr]]), FoldStep])]
>>> key: marko, value: 6
>>> key: vadas, value: 6
>>> key: lop, value: 6
>>> key: josh, value: 6
>>> key: ripple, value: 6
>>> key: peter, value: 6
>>> and Sqlg
>>> post-strategy:[SqlgGraphStepCompiled(vertex,[])@[sqlgPathFakeLabel],
>>> GroupStep([SelectOneStep(a)],[SelectOneStep(b), DedupGlobalStep,
>>> OrderGlobalStep([[id, incr]]), FoldStep])]
>>> key: marko, value: 0
>>> key: ripple, value: 0
>>> key: peter, value: 0
>>> key: lop, value: 0
>>> key: josh, value: 0
>>> key: vadas, value: 0
>>> The difference being the NoOpBarrierStep but I am not sure if that is
>>> the culprit or not.
>>> Thanks
>>> Pieter
>>> On 24/10/2016 21:31, Marko Rodriguez wrote:
>>>> Hi Pieter,
>>>> What are the two answers --- TinkerGraph and Sqlg for the respective test 
>>>> traversal?
>>>> (I suspect the test is bad because group() pushes traversers through with 
>>>> bulks and all so the test might just add to a collection without adding 
>>>> respecting bulks. Probably should change that test regardless to do like a 
>>>> count or something instead).
>>>> Marko.
>>>> http://markorodriguez.com
>>>>> On Oct 24, 2016, at 12:57 PM, pieter-gmail <pieter.mar...@gmail.com> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> This is on 3.2.3
>>>>> I have been investigating why
>>>>> `DedupTest.g_V_asXaX_repeatXbothX_timesX3X_emit_asXbX_group_byXselectXaXX_byXselectXbX_dedup_order_byXidX_foldX_selectXvaluesX_unfold_dedup`
>>>>> fails on Sqlg. It is a fairly recently added test.
>>>>> My investigation so far has narrowed the problem to the
>>>>> `PathRetractionStrategy`
>>>>> On the modern graph,
>>>>>      GraphTraversal<Vertex, Map<Vertex, Collection<Vertex>>>
>>>>> traversal = g.traversal()
>>>>>              .V().as("a")
>>>>>              .out().as("b")
>>>>>              .<Vertex, Collection<Vertex>>group().by(select("a"))
>>>>>              .by(select("b"));
>>>>>      printTraversalForm(traversal);
>>>>> Outputs the following on TinkerGraph
>>>>> pre-strategy:[GraphStep(vertex,[])@[a], VertexStep(OUT,vertex)@[b],
>>>>> GroupStep([SelectOneStep(a)],[SelectOneStep(b)])]
>>>>> post-strategy:[TinkerGraphStep(vertex,[])@[a],
>>>>> VertexStep(OUT,vertex)@[b], GroupStep([SelectOneStep(a),
>>>>> NoOpBarrierStep(2500)],[SelectOneStep(b), NoOpBarrierStep(2500)])]
>>>>> And on Sqlg
>>>>> pre-strategy:[GraphStep(vertex,[])@[a], VertexStep(OUT,vertex)@[b],
>>>>> GroupStep([SelectOneStep(a)],[SelectOneStep(b)])]
>>>>> post-strategy:[SqlgGraphStepCompiled(vertex,[])@[b],
>>>>> GroupStep([SelectOneStep(a)],[SelectOneStep(b)])]
>>>>> The difference being that Sqlg does not have the `NoOpBarrierStep` 
>>>>> inserted.
>>>>> For TinkerGraph the `NoOpBarrierStep` is being inserted in the
>>>>> `PathRetractionStrategy` on line 113
>>>>> However this does not happen for Sqlg as Sqlg's GraphStep has
>>>>> `TraverRequirement.PATH` as a requirement which prevents
>>>>> `PathRetractionStrategy` from doing what it does.
>>>>> Is this a bug of sorts? Should Sqlg be adding in the `NoOpBarrierStep`?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Pieter

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