The following branches are scheduled for deletion:

TINKERPOP-1116 -- [TINKERPOP-1116] Some anonymous traversal steps can be
hard typed.
TINKERPOP-1130 -- [TINKERPOP-1130] Each release should store
Kryo/GraphSON/GraphML versions to ensure future compatibility
TINKERPOP-1211 -- [TINKERPOP-1211] UnfoldStep should unfold arrays.
TINKERPOP-1214 -- [TINKERPOP-1214] A clone-based threading model for
Gremlin OLTP
TINKERPOP-1235 -- [TINKERPOP-1235] Remove deprecated
ProcessPerformanceSuite and TraversalPerformanceTest
TINKERPOP-1248 -- [TINKERPOP-1248] OrderGlobalStep should use local star
graph to compute sorts, prior to reduction.
TINKERPOP-1292 -- [TINKERPOP-1292] TinkerGraphComputer
TINKERPOP-1363 -- [TINKERPOP-1363] Cleanup Docker build script for next
major release
TINKERPOP-1372 -- [TINKERPOP-1372] ImmutablePath should not use Java
recursion (call stacks are wack)
TINKERPOP-1389 -- [TINKERPOP-1389] Support Spark 2.0.0
TINKERPOP-1399 -- [TINKERPOP-1399] NumberHelper needs to go into util and
have a private constructor
TINKERPOP-1404 -- [TINKERPOP-1404] Path/label optimization
TINKERPOP-1420 -- [TINKERPOP-1420] Remove deprecated ConcurrentBindings in
TINKERPOP-1428 -- [TINKERPOP-1428] profile() throws NPE for union(group,
TINKERPOP-1434 -- [TINKERPOP-1434] Block calls to traversal side-effects
until read is complete
TINKERPOP-1471 -- [TINKERPOP-1471] IncidentToAdjacentStrategy use hidden
marker to avoid repeated recursion.
TINKERPOP-1473 -- [TINKERPOP-1473] Given PathRetractionStrategy,
PathProcessorStrategy can be extended to support partial where() inlining.
TINKERPOP-1485 -- [TINKERPOP-1485] Move source for TinkerPop site to source
code repo
TINKERPOP-1490 -- [TINKERPOP-1490] Provider a Future based
Traversal.async(Function<Traversal,V>) terminal step
TINKERPOP-1502 -- [TINKERPOP-1502] Chained has()-steps should simply
left-append HasContainers in Gremlin-Java.
TINKERPOP-1506 -- [TINKERPOP-1506] Optional/Coalesce should not allow
sideEffect traversals.
TINKERPOP-1507 -- [TINKERPOP-1507] Pick.any and Pick.none are not in
GraphSON or Gremlin-Python
TINKERPOP-1508 -- [TINKERPOP-1508] Add choose(predicate,trueTraversal)
TINKERPOP-1520 -- [TINKERPOP-1520] Difference between 'has' step generated
graphson2.0 in java and python glv implementation
TINKERPOP-1521 -- [TINKERPOP-1521] Mutating steps don't recognize
TINKERPOP-1527 -- [TINKERPOP-1527] Do not override registered strategies in
TINKERPOP-1530 -- [TINKERPOP-1530] Consistent use of instance()
assumes id implements Comparable
TINKERPOP-1534 -- [TINKERPOP-1534] Gremlin Server instances leaking in tests
TINKERPOP-1538 -- [TINKERPOP-1538] Gremlin Server spawned by test suites
should use a different port
TINKERPOP-1538-master -- [TINKERPOP-1538] Gremlin Server spawned by test
suites should use a different port
TINKERPOP-1538-tp32 -- [TINKERPOP-1538] Gremlin Server spawned by test
suites should use a different port
TINKERPOP-1539 -- [TINKERPOP-1539] Create a ComplexTraversalTest with crazy
nested gnarly traversals.
TINKERPOP-1541 -- [TINKERPOP-1541] Select should default to Pop.last
TINKERPOP-1542 -- [TINKERPOP-1542] Add Path.isEmpty() with a default
TINKERPOP-1545 -- [TINKERPOP-1545] IncidentToAdjacentStrategy is buggy
TINKERPOP-1545-tp31 -- [TINKERPOP-1545] IncidentToAdjacentStrategy is buggy
TINKERPOP-1545-tp32 -- [TINKERPOP-1545] IncidentToAdjacentStrategy is buggy
TINKERPOP-1547 -- [TINKERPOP-1547] Two bugs found associated with
MatchStep: Path retraction and range count.
TINKERPOP-1548 -- [TINKERPOP-1548] Traversals can complete before
interrupted in TraversalInterruptionComputerTest
TINKERPOP-1549 -- [TINKERPOP-1549] Implement skip()
TINKERPOP-1556 -- [TINKERPOP-1556] Allow Hadoop to run on IPv6 systems
TINKERPOP-1557 -- [TINKERPOP-1557] Improve docker build time with this one
weird trick!
TINKERPOP-1560 -- [TINKERPOP-1560] Cache in GroovyClassLoader may continue
to grow
TINKERPOP-1561 -- [TINKERPOP-1561] gremiln-python GraphSONWriter doesn't
properly serialize long in Python 3.5
TINKERPOP-1562 -- [TINKERPOP-1562] Migrate ScriptEngine-related code to
TINKERPOP-1565 -- [TINKERPOP-1565] Setup GraphSON 3.0
TINKERPOP-1570 -- [TINKERPOP-1570] Bump to Netty 4.0.42
TINKERPOP-1573 -- [TINKERPOP-1573] Bindings don't work in coalesce
TINKERPOP-1581 -- [TINKERPOP-1581] Gremlin-Python driver connection is not
thread safe.
TINKERPOP-1583 -- [TINKERPOP-1583] PathRetractionStrategy retracts keys
that are actually needed
TINKERPOP-1584 -- [TINKERPOP-1584] Add gryo serializers to support types
covered in GraphSON
TINKERPOP-1585 -- [TINKERPOP-1585] OLAP dedup over non elements
TINKERPOP-1588 -- [TINKERPOP-1588] Added Terminal Steps section to the docs
TINKERPOP-1589 -- [TINKERPOP-1589] Re-Introduce CloseableIterator
TINKERPOP-1597 -- [TINKERPOP-1597] PathRetractionStrategy messing up
certain traversals
TINKERPOP-1600 -- [TINKERPOP-1600] Consistent use of base 64 encoded bytes
for SASL negotiation
TINKERPOP-1602 -- [TINKERPOP-1602] Support SSL client certificate
TINKERPOP-1605 -- [TINKERPOP-1605] gremlin-console 3.2.3 -e can no longer
take paths relative to current working directory
TINKERPOP-1606 -- [TINKERPOP-1606] Refactor GroupStep to not have the
reduction traversal included in its BiOperator.
TINKERPOP-1610 -- [TINKERPOP-1610] Deprecate gremlin-groovy-test provider
based tests
TINKERPOP-1617 -- [TINKERPOP-1617] Create a SingleIterationStrategy which
will do its best to rewrite OLAP traversals to not message pass.
TINKERPOP-919 -- [TINKERPOP-919] Features needs to specify whether 2 vertex
properties with same key/value is allowed.
TINKERPOP-932 -- [TINKERPOP-932] Add ability to cancel script execution
associated with a Gremlin Server Session

If there are no objections, I will delete those branches on Saturday or


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