I think official images would be a very good idea as there exist currently 
a lot of images, especially for Gremlin Server. Users typically search for 
the official image or just take the image with the most pulls. Images 
published directly by TinkerPop would get the most attention so users don't 
end up with some image that isn't actively maintained.

Another advantage of integrating the images in TinkerPop would probably be 
that the deployment could be integrated into TinkerPop's usual release 
cycle. So new images can be published directly for each new version.

Am Dienstag, 6. Juni 2017 18:39:09 UTC+2 schrieb Stephen Mallette:
> Would it be interesting to anyone for TinkerPop to have an official docker 
> image? 
> On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 12:22 PM, Benjamin Ricaud <benjami...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Thanks Jean-Baptiste,
>> I have also done a container for the gremlin-server 3.2.4, configured to 
>> be used with gremlin-python:
>> https://hub.docker.com/r/bricaud/gremlin-server/
>> I noticed that you do not need the IP trick for the server to be 
>> accessed. If you set
>> host: 0
>> in your gremlin-conf.yaml, (and open the port with -p 8182:8182) you can 
>> access the server.
>> (see my conf files on the github repo).
>> Best,
>> Benjamin
>> Le jeudi 1 juin 2017 00:37:07 UTC+2, Jean-Baptiste Musso a écrit :
>>> Dear TinkerPop,
>>> I published a couple automatically built Docker images for 
>>> gremlin-server and gremlin-console (current image tags: latest, 3.2.4, 3.2 
>>> and 3):
>>> https://hub.docker.com/r/jbmusso/gremlin-server/
>>> https://hub.docker.com/r/jbmusso/gremlin-console/
>>> I built these because I needed to quickly start different configurations 
>>> of gremlin-server when developing the gremlin-javascript client.
>>> Source repository: https://github.com/jbmusso/docker-tinkerpop
>>> Start gremlin-server with:
>>> docker run -p 8182:8182 jbmusso/gremlin-server:3.2.4
>>> Defaults to conf/gremlin-server.yaml within that container, or pass 
>>> another .yaml file:
>>> docker run -p 8182:8182 jbmusso/gremlin-server:3.2.4 
>>> conf/gremlin-server-modern.yaml
>>> Mounting your own config .yaml file with docker run -v argument should 
>>> also work (untested).
>>> You can play with the console this way (make sure you run with the -it 
>>> flags so Docker don't quit and actually lets you type commands from your 
>>> shell):
>>> docker run -it jbmusso/gremlin-console:3.2.4
>>> If you want to execute a file located on your host from within a 
>>> gremin-console container (the following assumes that foobar.groovy file 
>>> exists in your $HOME dir):
>>> docker run -it -v ~/foobar.groovy:/script/foobar.groovy 
>>> jbmusso/gremlin-console:3.2.4 -e /script/foobar.groovy
>>> Jean-Baptiste
>>> -- 
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