The following branches are scheduled for deletion:

TINKERPOP-1632 -- [TINKERPOP-1632] Create a set of default functions
TINKERPOP-1650 -- [TINKERPOP-1650] PathRetractionStrategy makes Match steps
TINKERPOP-1661 -- [TINKERPOP-1661] Docker-built documentation does not
always point locally
TINKERPOP-1692 -- [TINKERPOP-1692] Bump to Neo4j 3.2.3
TINKERPOP-1730 -- [TINKERPOP-1730] Gremlin .NET support for GraphSON 3.0
TINKERPOP-1731 -- [TINKERPOP-1731] Docker build does not appear to work for
TINKERPOP-1734 -- [TINKERPOP-1734] DSL for Gremlin .NET
TINKERPOP-1744 -- [TINKERPOP-1744] Gremlin .NET: Exception from sync
execution gets wrapped in AggregateException
TINKERPOP-1746 -- [TINKERPOP-1746] Better error message on wrong ordering
of emit()/until()/has()
TINKERPOP-1752 -- [TINKERPOP-1752] Gremlin.Net: Generate completely
type-safe methods
TINKERPOP-1756 -- [TINKERPOP-1756] Provide a way to easily mock a
RemoteConnection for tests
TINKERPOP-1759 -- [TINKERPOP-1759] Improve hashcode and equals for
Traverser implementations
TINKERPOP-1760 -- [TINKERPOP-1760] OLAP compilation failing around
TINKERPOP-1762 -- [TINKERPOP-1762] Make MatchStep analyze mid-clause
variables for executing ordering purposes.
TINKERPOP-1764 -- [TINKERPOP-1764] Generalize MatchStep to localize all
barriers, not just reducing barriers.
TINKERPOP-1766 -- [TINKERPOP-1766] Gremlin.Net: Closed connections should
not be re-used
TINKERPOP-1767 -- [TINKERPOP-1767] Method for graph providers to check an
IO version and type
TINKERPOP-1768 -- [TINKERPOP-1768] Bump to Jackson 2.8.10
TINKERPOP-1770 -- [TINKERPOP-1770] Remote traversal timeout
TINKERPOP-1779 -- [TINKERPOP-1779] Bump to GMavenPlus 1.6
TINKERPOP-1782 -- [TINKERPOP-1782] RangeByIsCountStrategy doesn't handle
floating point numbers properly
TINKERPOP-1783 -- [TINKERPOP-1783] PageRank gives incorrect results for
graphs with sinks
TINKERPOP-1784 -- [TINKERPOP-1784] Gremlin Language Test Suite
TINKERPOP-1785 -- [TINKERPOP-1785] Gremlin.Net should be strong-name signed
TINKERPOP-1787 -- [TINKERPOP-1787] Allow :remote command to accept a user
defined Cluster instance
TINKERPOP-1789 -- [TINKERPOP-1789] Reference elements should be represented
by id and label
TINKERPOP-1791 -- [TINKERPOP-1791] GremlinDsl custom step with generic end
type produces invalid code in
TINKERPOP-1792 -- [TINKERPOP-1792] Random TraversalSource Selection in
TINKERPOP-1792-master -- [TINKERPOP-1792] Random TraversalSource Selection
in GremlinScriptEngine
TINKERPOP-1793 -- [TINKERPOP-1793] addE() should allow dynamic edge labels
TINKERPOP-1795 -- [TINKERPOP-1795] Getting Lambda  comparator message for
.profile() step
TINKERPOP-1797 -- [TINKERPOP-1797] LambdaRestrictionStrategy and
LambdaMapStep in `by()`-modulation.
TINKERPOP-1798 -- [TINKERPOP-1798] MutationListener.vertexPropertyChanged
oldValue should be a VertexProperty
TINKERPOP-1799 -- [TINKERPOP-1799] Failure to serialize path() in
TINKERPOP-1802 -- [TINKERPOP-1802] hasId() fails for empty collections
TINKERPOP-1803 -- [TINKERPOP-1803] inject() doesn't re-attach with remote
TINKERPOP-1806 -- [TINKERPOP-1806] Consistently use Gremlin.Net instead of
TINKERPOP-1807 -- [TINKERPOP-1807] Gremlin-Python doesn't support GraphSON
types g:Date, g:Timestamp and g:UUID
TINKERPOP-1807-master -- [TINKERPOP-1807] Gremlin-Python doesn't support
GraphSON types g:Date, g:Timestamp and g:UUID
TINKERPOP-1811 -- [TINKERPOP-1811] Improve error reporting for
serialization errors between gremlin-python and gremlin-server
TINKERPOP-1813 -- [TINKERPOP-1813] Subgraph step requires the graph API
TINKERPOP-1814 -- [TINKERPOP-1814] Some process tests require the graph API
TINKERPOP-1820 -- [TINKERPOP-1820] Include .NET GLV tests on TravisCI
TINKERPOP-1821 -- [TINKERPOP-1821] Consistent behavior of self-referencing
TINKERPOP-1824 -- [TINKERPOP-1824] Update netty version to 4.0.52
TINKERPOP-1827 -- [TINKERPOP-1827] Gremlin .NET: Test Suite Runner
TINKERPOP-1829 -- [TINKERPOP-1829] Improve flexibility of detachment for
TINKERPOP-1834 -- [TINKERPOP-1834] Consider iterate() as a first class step
TINKERPOP-1835 -- [TINKERPOP-1835] Bump Netty 4.0.53
TINKERPOP-1837 -- [TINKERPOP-1837] Gremlin .NET: Provide type coercion
between IDictionary<K, V> instances
TINKERPOP-1846 -- [TINKERPOP-1846] LambdaRestrictionStrategy not triggering
for Lambda scripts
TINKERPOP-1848 -- [TINKERPOP-1848] Fix g:Date assertion in python tests
TINKERPOP-1851 -- [TINKERPOP-1851] Gremlin long options for -e and -i are
not working properly

If there are no objections, I will delete those branches at the end of this
week / month / year.


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