Github user jbmusso commented on the issue:
    Finally found some time. Wew.
    Well, this PR is very well crafted - well done! My comments are only minor:
    * About `utils.toPromise` - if I understand you well, you want a dual 
callback/promise API for most async functions?
    * In `graph-traversal.js`, most methods of `GraphTraversalSource` and 
`GraphTraversal` and function attached to `statics` could maybe be dynamically 
created from an array of method names and dynamically added to these 
classes/object. I don’t know what would be the performance implication of 
this, but I don’t think there should be any unless V8 really can’t figure 
out what’s going on when parsing that file. Hopefully it's smart and figures 
out that the class is not changing. That’d lower the file size and help 
maintainability a lot.
    * ES6, most likely friendlier for more recent versions of V8 and supported 
by Node.js v4+ (see [Node green](
        * `arguments` is deprecated and is replaced by `...args` for variadic 
        * most `function` keywords could be replaced by arrow functions 
(lexical scoping and/or concise syntax). I tend to keep `function` for 
top-level functions, and use fat arrows everywhere even when `this` binding 
isn't needed (ie. callback w/o `this`)
        * `array.splice(0)` could be replaced by `const copy = [...original]`
        * `func.apply(null, arguments)` could be replaced by `func(...args)` 
when first argument `this` value is indeed meant to be `null`
    * `package.json`: `./node_modules/.bin` is added to the `$PATH` by `npm` or 
`yarn`, so we could just use `"test": "mocha test/unit test/integration -t 
5000"`. Yay npm!
    I can fork and push 4 distinct commits for this if you want, so this can be 
    A more major update would be to author in ES6/7/8 and add a transpilation 
step, so all runtime could use code that they can optimize best. Using babel 
with [babel-preset-env]( 
combined with 
[postinstall-build]( is an 
option. This will ensure that latest versions of Node.js use mostly 
non-transpiled code, while older versions automatically transpile what is 
strictly needed. That would make things more performant for latest versions of 
Node.js, since V8 optimizes a lot for new syntax, while still making the GLV 
compatible for older versions of Node.js. The nice thing is that the build step 
is automatically handled at install time by npm, so no extra maven coding 
should be required. I think such approach could be added in future releases and 
is out of scope today.
    Also, I'm ok to transfer/donate the "gremlin" package name to Apache 
TinkerPop so this can be published under this name.


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