Here is the draft of the January 2018 board report - please let me know if
there is anything else to add.


## Description:
Apache TinkerPop is a graph computing framework for both graph databases
(OLTP) and graph analytic systems (OLAP).

## Activity:
TinkerPop is currently in the process of releasing 3.2.8 and 3.3.2 which
both generally contain bug fixes and minor new functionality. However, this
release of TinkerPop also includes the first official release of Gremlin
Javascript, which should further open up the TinkePop world to the
Javascript community. This delivery of Gremlin in Javascript will make for
the fifth official language variation (Gremlin Language Variant or GLV[1]).
The current list of languages officially supported natively for Gremlin by
TinkerPop are:

- Java
- Groovy
- Python
- .NET/C#
- Javascript

While work has not yet truly started, we did open up a new branch of
development for the 3.4.x line of code. It is still up for discussion in the
community to determine what this release will contain.

TinkerPop did invite someone to join the PMC, but that person politely
declined and preferred to continue to contribute as they have been doing.

There were a number of talks on TinkerPop and TinkerPop-enabled technology
in the last several months. Here is a selection of those made by PMC

- "Gremlin's Anatomy" at DataStax NYC Meetup by Stephen Mallette[2]
- "Powers of Ten Redux" at Data Day by Jason Plurad[3]

Finally, we received a nice comment from someone on our user mailing list
who said that our user list was, "One of the most active google groups I
have seen in recent times, kudos for that !!!"[4] It's a simple anecdote,
and we tend to see comments of its like from time to time, but we found this
one to be unique in its wording of "thanks" in that it directly complimented
the attention that our community pays to its users.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Releases:
- 3.2.7 (December 17, 2017)
- 3.3.1 (December 17, 2017)

## PMC/Committer:
- Last PMC addition was Robert Dale - April 2017
- Last committer addition was Kelvin Lawrence - December 2017

## Links


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