That sounds like a good approach. At this point, would you envision those
being TP specific options or perhaps include include hooks to support
arbitrary provider options?


On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 1:00 PM Stephen Mallette <>

> Allow the setting of the scriptEvaluationTimeout per request has been an
> issue for a long time:
> I've hesitated a number of times in implementing this as it seemed to mean
> just more overloads around submit() and I didn't really want that. I think
> i'm going to create a new class to hold all the possible parameters called
> RequestOptions so that we basically just end up with:
> submit(gremlin)
> submit(gremlin, RequestOptions)
> submit(RequestMessage)
> That's really rough and obviously all the async variants would be there as
> well in that pattern, but anyone who follows the driver development should
> follow where I'm going with that. With those signatures we would then
> deprecate the other ones. I see all this change as part of 3.4.0.
> Please let me know if there are any concerns with this approach. Thanks!

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