
Here are the 2 missing images.

The first is the property graph meta model as defined with gremlin.

    public static Graph gremlinMetaModel() {
        enum GremlinDataType {
        TinkerGraph propertyGraphMetaModel = TinkerGraph.open();
        Vertex graph = propertyGraphMetaModel.addVertex(T.label, "Graph", 
"name", "GremlinDataType::STRING");
        Vertex vertex = propertyGraphMetaModel.addVertex(T.label, 
"VertexLabel", "label", "GremlinDataType::STRING");
        Vertex edge = propertyGraphMetaModel.addVertex(T.label, "EdgeLabel", 
"label", "GremlinDataType::STRING");
        Vertex vertexProperty = propertyGraphMetaModel.addVertex(T.label, 
"VertexProperty", "name", "GremlinDataType::STRING", "type", "GremlinDataType");
        Vertex edgeProperty = propertyGraphMetaModel.addVertex(T.label, 
"EdgeProperty", "name", "GremlinDataType::STRING", "type", "GremlinDataType");

        graph.addEdge("vertices", vertex);
        graph.addEdge("edges", edge);
        vertex.addEdge("properties", vertexProperty);
        vertex.addEdge("properties", edgeProperty);
        vertex.addEdge("out", edge);
        vertex.addEdge("in", edge);

        return propertyGraphMetaModel;


The second is TinkerPop's modern model/schema also as defined with

    public static Graph modernModel() {
        //import this from a base package
        enum GremlinDataType {

        TinkerGraph modernModelGraph = TinkerGraph.open();

        Vertex person = modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, "VertexLabel", 
"label", "person");
        Vertex personNameVertexProperty = modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, 
"VertexProperty", "name", "name", "type", GremlinDataType.STRING.name());
        Vertex personAgeVertexProperty = modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, 
"VertexProperty", "name", "age", "type", GremlinDataType.INTEGER.name());
        person.addEdge("properties", personNameVertexProperty);
        person.addEdge("properties", personAgeVertexProperty);

        Vertex software = modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, "VertexLabel", 
"label", "software");
        Vertex softwareNameVertexProperty = modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, 
"VertexProperty", "name", "name", "type", GremlinDataType.STRING.name());
        Vertex softwareLangVertexProperty = modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, 
"VertexProperty", "name", "lang", "type", GremlinDataType.STRING.name());
        software.addEdge("properties", softwareNameVertexProperty);
        software.addEdge("properties", softwareLangVertexProperty);

        Vertex knows = modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, "EdgeLabel", 
"label", "knows");
        Vertex knowsWeightVertexProperty = modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, 
"EdgeProperty", "name", "weight", "type", GremlinDataType.INTEGER.name());
        knows.addEdge("properties", knowsWeightVertexProperty);

        Vertex created = modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, "EdgeLabel", 
"label", "created");
        Vertex createdWeightVertexProperty = 
modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, "EdgeProperty", "name", "weight", "type", 
        created.addEdge("properties", createdWeightVertexProperty);

        person.addEdge("outEdge", knows);
        person.addEdge("outEdge", created);
        software.addEdge("inEdge", knows);
        software.addEdge("inEdge", created);
        return modernModelGraph;



On Sun, 2022-01-09 at 14:28 +0200, pieter gmail wrote:
> Hi,
> I have done some work on defining a meta model for Gremlin's property graph. 
> I am using the approach used in the modelling world, in particular as done by 
> the OMG group when defining their various meta models and specifications.
> However where OMG uses a subset of the UML to define their meta models I 
> suggest we use Gremlin. After all Gremlin is the language we use to describe 
> the world and the property graph meta model can also be described in Gremlin.
> I propose that we have 3 levels of modelling. Each of which can itself be 
> specified in gremlin.
> 1: The property graph meta model.
> 2: The model.
> 3: The graph representing the actual data.
> 1) The property graph meta model describes the nature of the property graph 
> itself. i.e. that property graphs have vertices, edges and properties.
> 2) The model is an instance of the meta model. It describes the schema of a 
> particular graph. i.e. for TinkerPop's modern graph this would be 'person', 
> 'software', 'created' and 'knows' and the various properties 'weight', 'age', 
> 'name' and 'lang' properties.
> 3) The final level is an instance of the model. It is the actual graph 
> itself. i.e. for TinkerPop's modern graph it is 'Marko', 'Josh', 'java' ...
> 1: Property Graph Meta Model
>     public static Graph gremlinMetaModel() {
>         enum GremlinDataType {
>             STRING,
>             INTEGER,
>             DOUBLE,
>             DATE,
>             TIME
>             //...
>         }
>         TinkerGraph propertyGraphMetaModel = TinkerGraph.open();
>         Vertex graph = propertyGraphMetaModel.addVertex(T.label, "Graph", 
> "name", "GremlinDataType::STRING");
>         Vertex vertex = propertyGraphMetaModel.addVertex(T.label, 
> "VertexLabel", "label", "GremlinDataType::STRING");
>         Vertex edge = propertyGraphMetaModel.addVertex(T.label, "EdgeLabel", 
> "label", "GremlinDataType::STRING");
>         Vertex vertexProperty = propertyGraphMetaModel.addVertex(T.label, 
> "VertexProperty", "name", "GremlinDataType::STRING", "type", 
> "GremlinDataType");
>         Vertex edgeProperty = propertyGraphMetaModel.addVertex(T.label, 
> "EdgeProperty", "name", "GremlinDataType::STRING", "type", "GremlinDataType");
>         graph.addEdge("vertices", vertex);
>         graph.addEdge("edges", edge);
>         vertex.addEdge("properties", vertexProperty);
>         vertex.addEdge("properties", edgeProperty);
>         vertex.addEdge("out", edge);
>         vertex.addEdge("in", edge);
>         return propertyGraphMetaModel;
>     }
> This can be visualized as,
> Notes: 
> 1) GremlinDataType is an enumeration of named data types that Gremlin 
> supports. All gremlin data types are assumed to be atomic and its life cycle 
> fully owned by its containing parent. How it is persisted on disc or 
> transported over the wire is not a concern for the meta model.
> 2) Gremlin's semantics is to weak to fully specify a valid meta model. 
> Accompanying the meta model we need a list of constraints specified as 
> gremlin queries to augment the semantics of the meta model. These 
> constraints/queries will be able to validate any gremlin specified model for 
> correctness.
> 3) It is trivial to extend the meta model. e.g. To specify something like 
> index support just add an 'Index' vertex and an edge from 'VertexLabel' to it.
> Property graph meta model constraints,
> 1) Every 'VertexLabel' must have a 'label'.
>     g.V().hasLabel("EdgeLabel").where(__.not(__.in("inEdge"))).id()
> 2) Every 'EdgeLabel' must have a 'label'.
>     g.V().hasLabel("EdgeLabel").or(__.hasNot("label"), __.has("label", 
> P.eq(""))).id()
> 3) Every 'EdgeLabel' must have at least one 'outEdge' 'VertexLabel'
>     g.V().hasLabel("EdgeLabel").where(__.not(__.in("outEdge"))).id()
> 4) Every 'EdgeLabel' must have at least on 'inEdge' 'VertexLabel'
>     g.V().hasLabel("EdgeLabel").where(__.not(__.in("inEdge"))).id()
> 5) Every 'VertexProperty' must have a 'name'
>     gV().hasLabel("VertexProperty").or(__.hasNot("name"), __.has("name", 
> P.eq(""))).id()
> 6) Every 'VertexProperty' must have a 'type'
>     g.V().hasLabel("VertexProperty").or(__.hasNot("type"), __.has("type", 
> P.eq(""))).id()
> 7) Every 'EdgePropery' must have a 'name'
>     g.V().hasLabel("EdgeProperty").or(__.hasNot("name"), __.has("name", 
> P.eq(""))).id()
> 8) Every 'EdgeProperty' must have a 'type'
>     g.V().hasLabel("EdgeProperty").or(__.hasNot("type"), __.has("type", 
> P.eq(""))).id()
> 9) Every 'VertexProperty' must have a in 'properties' edge.
>     g.V().hasLabel("VertexProperty").where(__.not(__.in("properties"))).id()
> 10) Every 'EdgeProperty' must have a in 'properties' edge.
>     g.V().hasLabel("EdgeProperty").where(__.not(__.in("properties"))).id()
> ...
> This can be visualized as,
> 2: The model
> What follows is an example of TinkerPop's 'modern' graph specified as an 
> instance of the above property graph meta model.
>     public static Graph modernModel() {
>         //import this from a base package
>         enum GremlinDataType {
>             STRING,
>             INTEGER,
>             DOUBLE,
>             DATE,
>             TIME
>             //...
>         }
>         TinkerGraph modernModelGraph = TinkerGraph.open();
>         Vertex person = modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, "VertexLabel", 
> "label", "person");
>         Vertex personNameVertexProperty = modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, 
> "VertexProperty", "name", "name", "type", GremlinDataType.STRING.name());
>         Vertex personAgeVertexProperty = modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, 
> "VertexProperty", "name", "age", "type", GremlinDataType.INTEGER.name());
>         person.addEdge("properties", personNameVertexProperty);
>         person.addEdge("properties", personAgeVertexProperty);
>         Vertex software = modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, "VertexLabel", 
> "label", "software");
>         Vertex softwareNameVertexProperty = 
> modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, "VertexProperty", "name", "name", "type", 
> GremlinDataType.STRING.name());
>         Vertex softwareLangVertexProperty = 
> modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, "VertexProperty", "name", "lang", "type", 
> GremlinDataType.STRING.name());
>         software.addEdge("properties", softwareNameVertexProperty);
>         software.addEdge("properties", softwareLangVertexProperty);
>         Vertex knows = modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, "EdgeLabel", 
> "label", "knows");
>         Vertex knowsWeightVertexProperty = 
> modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, "EdgeProperty", "name", "weight", "type", 
> GremlinDataType.INTEGER.name());
>         knows.addEdge("properties", knowsWeightVertexProperty);
>         Vertex created = modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, "EdgeLabel", 
> "label", "created");
>         Vertex createdWeightVertexProperty = 
> modernModelGraph.addVertex(T.label, "EdgeProperty", "name", "weight", "type", 
> GremlinDataType.INTEGER.name());
>         created.addEdge("properties", createdWeightVertexProperty);
>         person.addEdge("outEdge", knows);
>         person.addEdge("outEdge", created);
>         software.addEdge("inEdge", knows);
>         software.addEdge("inEdge", created);
>         return modernModelGraph;
>     }
> The above gremlin constraints need to be executed against the 
> 'modernModelGraph' to check for the correctness of the model. If the 
> constraints pass we know that the model is indeed a valid Gremlin property 
> graph model.
> We can certainly specify more constraints but the ones defined above passes 
> on the 'modernModelGraph'.
> 3: The actual graph
> TinkerGraph modernGraph = TinkerFactory.createModern();
> And that is it.
> There are lots of details to complete, but first we need to see if there is 
> any appetite for a modelling approach as I realize there is some academic 
> abstract algebra work happening elsewhere. It seems to me to have a lower 
> barrier to entry for the community to partake in the discussion of what 
> constitutes a property graph model.
> Let me know if there are questions or criticisms.
> Thanks
> Pieter

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