Here is the attached draft of our board report for this quarter - please let
me know if there is anything to add or edit.




## Description:

Apache TinkerPop is a graph computing framework for both graph databases

(OLTP) and graph analytic systems (OLAP).


## Issues:

There are no issues requiring board attention.


## Membership Data:

Community changes, past quarter:

- Divij Vaidya was added to the PMC on 2022-04-25

- Dave Bechberger was added as committer on 2022-06-14


## Project Activity:

We've just started preparing the next releases which will be 3.5.4 and

They will also include the first official release of the Gremlin-Go Gremlin

Language Variant (GLV).


Since the first pre-release of Gremlin-Go mentioned in the last board

we had two more release candidates. This shows the development activity for

this GLV which is being driven by various community members, as well as the

high interest from the community to use it.


In the wider TinkerPop ecosystem, we've learned about a new TinkerPop

implementation that is being developed by the company Aerospike with the

project name "Firefly". They selected TinkerPop for their graph component to

extend their existing Aerospike Database, describing it as "the most widely

adopted graph computing framework".[1]

Another project we've learned about is Quine which describes itself as a

"streaming graph" where graph queries can be executed on data streams.[2] It

supports Cypher and (a subset of) Gremlin for these graph queries.[3]



### Releases:

3.5.3 was released on 2022-04-04.

3.6.0 was released on 2022-04-04.


## Community Health:

We see a significant number of pull requests from community members lately.

Many of them contribute to the already mentioned Gremlin-Go GLV, but we also

see an increasing activity in basically all areas of TinkerPop.


We had three live events on Discord:

- Kelvin Lawrence, Dave Bechberger and Stephen Mallette presented major new

features of the 3.6.0 .release.

- Lyndon Bauto hosted a bug bash for Gremlin-Go.

- Yang Xia presented features of Gremlin-Go.



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