
Does this not imply a massive rewrite of TinkerPop? In particular the
iterator chaining pattern of steps should follow a reactive style of


On Thu, 2022-07-28 at 15:18 +0100, Oleksandr Porunov wrote:
> I'm interested in adding async capabilities to TinkerPop.
> There were many discussions about async capabilities for TinkerPop
> but
> there was no clear consensus on how and when it should be developed.
> The benefit for async capabilities is that the user calling a query
> shouldn't need its thread to be blocked to simply wait for the result
> of
> the query execution. Instead of that a graph provider should take
> care
> about implementation of async queries execution.
> If that's the case then many graph providers will be able to optimize
> their
> execution of async queries by handling less resources for the query
> execution.
> As a real example of potential benefit we could get I would like to
> point
> on how JanusGraph executes CQL queries to process Gremlin queries.
> CQL result retrieval:
> https://github.com/JanusGraph/janusgraph/blob/15a00b7938052274fe15cf26025168299a311224/janusgraph-cql/src/main/java/org/janusgraph/diskstorage/cql/function/slice/CQLSimpleSliceFunction.java#L45
> As seen from the code above, JanusGraph already leverages async
> functionality for CQL queries under the hood but JanusGraph is
> required to
> process those queries in synced manner, so what JanusGraph does - it
> simply
> blocks the whole executing thread until result is returned instead of
> using
> async execution.
> Of course, that's just a case when we can benefit from async
> execution
> because the underneath storage backend can process async queries. If
> a
> storage backend can't process async queries then we won't get any
> benefit
> from implementing a fake async executor.
> That said, I believe quite a few graph providers may benefit from
> having a
> possibility to execute queries in async fashion because they can
> optimize
> their resource utilization.
> I believe that we could have a feature flag for storage providers
> which
> want to implement async execution. Those who can't implement it or
> don't
> want to implement it may simply disable async capabilities which will
> result in throwing an exception anytime an async function is called.
> I
> think it should be fine because we already have some feature flags
> like
> that for graph providers. For example "Null Semantics" was added in
> TinkerPop 3.5.0 but `null` is not supported for all graph providers.
> Thus,
> a feature flag for Null Semantics exists like
> "g.getGraph().features().vertex().supportsNullPropertyValues()".
> I believe we can enable async in TinkerPop 3 by providing async as a
> feature flag and letting graph providers implement it at their will.
> Moreover if a graph provider wants to have async capabilities but
> their
> storage backends don't support async capabilities then it should be
> easy to
> hide async execution under an ExecutorService which mimics async
> execution.
> I believe we could do that for TinkerGraph so that users could
> experiment
> with async API at least. I believe we could simply have a default
> "async"
> function implementation for TinkerGraph which wraps all sync
> executions in
> a function and sends it to that ExecutorService (we can discuss which
> one).
> In such a case TinkerGraph will support async execution even without
> real
> async functionality. We could also potentially provide some
> configuration
> options to TinkerGraph to configure thread pool size, executor
> service
> implementation, etc.
> I didn't think about how it is better to implement those async
> capabilities
> for TinkerPop yet but I think reusing a similar approach like in
> Node.js
> which returns Promise when calling Terminal steps could be good. For
> example, we could have a method called `async` which accepts a
> termination
> step and returns a necessary Future object.
> I.e.:
> g.V(123).async(Traversal.next())
> g.V().async(Traversal.toList())
> g.E().async(Traversal.toSet())
> g.E().async(Traversal.iterate())
> I know that there were discussions about adding async functionality
> to
> TinkerPop 4 eventually, but I don't see strong reasons why we
> couldn't add
> async functionality to TinkerPop 3 with a feature flag.
> It would be really great to hear some thoughts and concerns about it.
> If there are no concerns, I'd like to develop a proposal for further
> discussion.
> Best regards,
> Oleksandr Porunov

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