Hi all,

I just want to pitch the idea of considering the next maintenance release
for 3.5.6 and 3.6.3 soon.

We have had a number of changes built up into the two branches since the
last release in January [1] [2], plus quite a few PRs for different JIRA
tickets currently in review, which look ready for merging next week.

These changes include some major performance improvements with Groovy and
the path() traversers, along with upgrades for security vulnerability and
bug fixes in gremlin-core. There were updates and fixes in the GLVs that
led to two release candidates for python and .net. We are also looking to
have an ARM-based Gremlin Server image available for users. So I think we
should get a release planned sooner rather than later.

In terms of dates, I'd like to propose we begin code-freeze next Friday,
Apr 21, and aim for the release announcement for Apr 28.

Also to not leave out 3.7.0, while we recently had a large feature
implemented, Properties on Element, there are still quite a bit of features
left in the planned section [3], one being Dave's recent proposal on string
functions. At this point we probably should keep supporting 3.5.x, as most
if not all providers still have 3.5.x support. I'm thinking we could
reassess the dates for 3.7.0 as part of the release after this proposed one.

Any thoughts on this?



[1] https://github.com/apache/tinkerpop/blob/3.5-dev/CHANGELOG.asciidoc
[2] https://github.com/apache/tinkerpop/blob/3.6-dev/CHANGELOG.asciidoc

*Yang Xia*

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