Jess Holle wrote:
Mladen Turk wrote:

So, from my point of view I see this vote as useless, because
anyone can create a connector using what ever technology he prefers.
The only valid question would be, what to use as a default one,
but that's a minor issue thought.

As Mladen says, anyone can create a connector.

Therefore, let the best connector win on its merits and let those in the know pursue what they believe to be the best connector approach based on their experience.

I would like that we accept in our (Tomcat) community much
more pluralism, in a similar way the Apache httpd community
does with mpm models.

Neither blocking, APR or eventually NIO will ever be
the best solution for a particular user needs.
Blocking will outperform any solution for a complex
applications. APR will outperform any other solution
where large static file delivery is required, etc...

Let's focus and actually see if the current connector
API allows to build those various connectors.
I think it does, so it's up to implementor to implement
the connector.

Then, we can simply have multiple connectors that will
allow users to choose the optimal one according to the
needs, not to what we think he might need.


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