to have nightly builds!


Am 24.01.2006 um 16:52 schrieb Jeanfrancois Arcand:

Hi Yoav,

Yoav Shapira wrote:
A user pointed out to me that our nightly builds appear to be broken. First I assumed it was due Gump unhappiness and I thought Mark T and Bill B fixed it over the past few days. But last night's builds still look whacky: http://cvs.apache.org/builds/jakarta-tomcat-5/ nightly/. The binaries are 45 bytes in size and invalid, the sources are about
200MB in size (Tomcat 5.5.15 correct source distros are a little less
than 6MB).
Also as an aside, all the Gump files still call it jakarta-tomcat-*
rather than apache-tomcat-* or just tomcat-*.  I'm not a Gump expert,
but I believe the Gump project file we want to update is (at least)
http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/gump/metadata/project/jakarta- tomcat-catalina.xml.

I've posted here a long time ago asking if we still want to have nightly or not, and got no response, So I stopped the script since it was still using CVS. Do we want nightly build? If yes, then I will fix the script and re-add it to the cron job.

-- Jeanfrancois

Yoav Shapira
System Design and Management Fellow
MIT Sloan School of Management
Cambridge, MA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / www.yoavshapira.com
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