Mladen Turk wants to add some small changes. After that we will do some testing again and then release. Any input from your side about intermediate test results on trunk will be highly appreciated.

Most important changes until now:

- fixed bug, that disabled workers never will leave error state
- added piped mod_jk logging for Apache 1.3
- fixed log file corruptions
- Additional attribute "distance" to express preferences between balanced workers of an lb - Additional parameter "jvm_route" to be configure several workers for the same tomcat target, e.g. to use them in differently configured lb workers. - Better behaviour of lb in settings which use domains and after error recovery
- small performance improvements
- code simplifications in lb worker

The new atributes are already documented in the xml documentation contained in subversion.


David Rees wrote:
There was a thread in late March
( which looked
like was going to lead to a new release of mod_jk which would fix a
number of outstanding bugs, but I never saw that 1.2.16 was tagged for

I'm willing to test once 1.2.16 is tagged as my servers are affected
by some of the known bugs in 1.2.15. Will the head of SVN planned on
being tagged for 1.2.16? I can pull that and use that for testing in
the meantime.


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