Bug ID: 60568
           Summary: Issues with native memory
           Product: Tomcat 8
           Version: 8.5.4
          Hardware: PC
            Status: NEW
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P2
         Component: Catalina
  Target Milestone: ----

Created attachment 34603
hs error file

We upgraded our application from the tomcat 6 to tomcat 8.5.4 32 bit for
windows. For both these version we are using JDK 1.8. Our application runs with
following JVM memory arguments.

But post upgrade to 8.5.4, it would not start with these parameters. Indicating
short of native memory. If we reduce the Xmx to 1180m, it would start without
issues and even endure high load later on. Only startup was failing. We tracked
some native memory for tomcat but did not show any significant change compared
to tomcat 6.
Below is the status of the native memory failed process.

Native Memory Tracking:

Total: reserved=1367758KB, committed=1188822KB
-                 Java Heap (reserved=1208320KB, committed=1048704KB)
                            (mmap: reserved=1208320KB, committed=1048704KB) 

-                     Class (reserved=74160KB, committed=74160KB)
                            (classes #16635)
                            (malloc=1072KB #12468) 
                            (mmap: reserved=73088KB, committed=73088KB) 

-                    Thread (reserved=22374KB, committed=22374KB)
                            (thread #70)
                            (stack: reserved=22080KB, committed=22080KB)
                            (malloc=115KB #361) 
                            (arena=179KB #138)

-                      Code (reserved=34714KB, committed=15898KB)
                            (malloc=1434KB #3275) 
                            (mmap: reserved=33280KB, committed=14464KB) 

-                        GC (reserved=3995KB, committed=3491KB)
                            (malloc=27KB #432) 
                            (mmap: reserved=3968KB, committed=3464KB) 

-                  Compiler (reserved=75KB, committed=75KB)
                            (malloc=9KB #276) 
                            (arena=66KB #2)

-                  Internal (reserved=2357KB, committed=2357KB)
                            (malloc=2293KB #25250) 
                            (mmap: reserved=64KB, committed=64KB) 

-                    Symbol (reserved=19452KB, committed=19452KB)
                            (malloc=15510KB #220835) 
                            (arena=3942KB #1)

-    Native Memory Tracking (reserved=2114KB, committed=2114KB)
                            (malloc=47KB #1427) 
                            (tracking overhead=2067KB)

-               Arena Chunk (reserved=196KB, committed=196KB)

Without any clue after several attempts to tune JVM, we switched to tomcat
8.5.9 and issue went away.Native memory did not show any change is usage. Not
sure what it is that is fixing issue with this tomcat version. Any versions in
between 8.5.4 to 8.5.8 it does not work. So something in 8.5.9 has helped us
resolve issue with native memory. Not sure what it is. Can anyone help us here.

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