2017-01-17 22:19 GMT+03:00 Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org>:
> On 17/01/2017 18:07, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>> Mark,
>> On 1/16/17 6:24 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
>>> For the background see:
>>> https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/7949
>>> The short version is:
>>> * is seen as a wild card in some environments.
>>> The options are:
>>> $ & ' ( ) * , - . : ; @ _ ~
>>> (all followed by /)
>> Obviously you can't use "." since that is in 99% of WAR filenames. The
>> ";" character is used for file-versions in VMS. I'm not sure how many
>> VMS environments are running Tomcat, but ... it's a thing. Hyphen (-)
>> and underscore (_) are probably too popular. I'd say that $ & : @ * are
>> good contenders. But we are trying to replace * no?
>>> Ideally we want a character that:
>>> - is unlikely to appear in a file name (particularly at the end)
>>> - does not have a special meaning that could conflict when using it in
>>> combination with / in a URI to mark the start of the internal WAR path.
>>> Thoughts, comments, reasons for excluding one or more of these
>>> characters welcome.
>> So you want a character that can be used in the WAR file name that
>> converts to a "*" in the context-path? Or you want a character in a
>> war:// URL that can be used as the barrier between the physical filename
>> and the logical file within the WAR file? If the latter, what's wrong
>> with the jar:// usage of "!/" ?
> We need to be able to reference resources in JARs in WARs. Experience
> has shown that nest jar URLs don't work. We needed a dedicated war URL
> format. We currently use:
> war://...*/...
> We previously used
> war://...^/...
> The former has issues in some use cases. The latter results in invalid URLs.
>> We are already using # for / and IMO that can be buggy since # has
>> meaning in URLs. What about using an escape-character instead of a stand-in?
> It has to be a character that Java will expect in a URL.

1. The original bug report was about some embedding of Tomcat.

Maybe it will be enough to make the value configurable?

2. Are we limited to US-ASCII?  (If it were unicode, there are a lot
of funny characters to choose from.)

I see that these URLs can be used in catalina.policy (there is an
example there), so it looks that we are limited.

3. We can use a delimiter that is longer than 2 characters. We are not
limited to "char + '/'".

4. If the file part must refer an existing file, we can look for
".war/" incrementally and check whether it is an existing file.

Though depending on how this is implemented it this may lead to false
positives on Windows because of case-insensivity.

(I remember how years ago I observed collision of "manager" package vs
"Manager" class in isPackage() check during compilation of JSPs,
trying to run Tomcat as compiled by Eclipse (as a set of classes, not
packed into .jars)

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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