Remy Maucherat wrote:
Mladen Turk wrote:
semi useless, LOL :)
"when the number of threads gets lower, it tends to use fewer threads"

Ok, it's the opposite: "when the number of threads gets higher, it will try using fewer threads". Looking at the code will makes this obvious.

Look. My patch was quite simple.
Up till the patch the soTimeout was used both for
socket timeout and for the keep-alive timeout.
I only make a keep-alive timeout configurable
independently from the soTimeout.

Why the hell you find that extra feature so inconceivable?

First of all it doesn't break anything, while it gives
an extra tuning param. If you see that option as unusable,
well, I see it as usable, so why did you revert it cause
it breaks nothing from your POV?


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