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The "FAQ/Security" page has been changed by KonstantinKolinko:

Mention CVE-2009-3548 in the "Record" section.

  === The Record ===
  There have been no public cases of damage done to a company, organization, or 
individual due to a Tomcat security issue. There have been no documented cases 
of data loss or application crashes caused by an intruder. While there have 
been numerous analyses conducted on Tomcat, partially because this is easy to 
do with Tomcat's source code openly available, there have been only 
'''theoretical''' vulnerabilities found. All of those were addressed even 
though there were no documented cases of actual exploitation of these 
+ That said,
+  * There have been several reports of a compromise done via guess of the 
password of a user of the Manager web application.<<BR>><<BR>>There was once a 
bug that blindly clicking-trough the Windows installer configured a manager 
user with blank password 
 This was fixed by April 2010 (Tomcat 5.5.29, 6.0.24 and later are 
safe).<<BR>><<BR>>Please see "Security considerations" pages in Tomcat 
documentation ([[#Links|linked below]]) for a reference on how access to 
Management Applications in Tomcat should be secured.
+  * There have been several reports of compromises via vulnerabilities in 3-rd 
party web applications deployed on Tomcat. E.g. vulnerabilities in Apache 
Struts framework were a popular attack target several times in years 2013-2017. 
 breach]] in year 2017. It is unknown whether Equifax has run their application 
on Tomcat, but there have been a number of similar compromise reports from 
Tomcat users. Those are not caused by a vulnerability in Tomcat.
  === Role of Customization ===
  We believe, and the evidence suggests, that Tomcat is more than secure enough 
for most use-cases. However, like all other components of Tomcat, you can 
customize any and all of the relevant parts of the server to achieve even 
higher security. For example, the session manager implementation is pluggable, 
and even the default implementation has support for pluggable random number 
generators. If you have a special need that you feel is not met by Tomcat out 
of the box, consider these customization options. At the same time, please 
bring up your requirements on the user mailing list, where we'll be glad to 
discuss it and assist in your approach/design/implementation as needed.
+ It is also possible to configure Tomcat insecurely. Please see "Security 
considerations" pages in Tomcat documentation ([[#Links|linked below]]) for the 
list of security-sensitive options.
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