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On 2/14/18 7:39 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
> On 14/02/18 11:51, Harrison & Wells wrote:
>> Sorry to disturb you.
> Not at all.
>> I read the Contributing.md 
>> <https://github.com/apache/tomcat/blob/trunk/CONTRIBUTING.md> on
>> your github mirror and even found the beginner issues 
>> <https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&bug_status
>> Except there are only three of them, out of which one is already
>> solved, one is a case of XML validation (not a bug, technically)
>> and one can be solved using a filter. 
>> <https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=58837> So I
>> decided I could go with the filter one but man, CSP is complex
>> and I don't think one could just do a general 'default-src'
>> because even that can be pretty tight. So it is a bit unclear. 
>> Thanks for reading. I'd appreciate any help in getting started.
> I agree with you completely regarding the complexity of CSP. I'm
> not convinced that a CSP specific filter is possible.

I guess is just depends upon one's perspective and requirements. For
our CSP, we just said "we need a sane policy like [no scripts from
other domains]" and that applies everywhere. That can be some with a
dead-simply Filter that just regurgitates the same CSP for every request

But if you want a Filter that tries to guess what the policy of a
particular page should be, well, then you are indeed going to build a
PHD-worthy Filter.

> Igal's suggestion in comment #6 is probably the way to go. A
> generic HTTP header filter. I'd look at httpd's mod_headers module
> for inspiration for the sort of features a generic HTTP header
> filter should provide.

Or just use the rewrite filter Tomcat already provides, if the
requirements are simple enough.

> I don't think the first iteration needs to completely cover all of
> the mod_headers functionality (adding headers to the response is
> probably enough at this point) but having the eventual
> functionality in mind will ensure that configuration parameters
> (likely filter parameters in this case) are chosen appropriately.

The only other thing I can think of that a CSP filter could provide
would be the "signing" capabilities.

CSP can say "it's okay to run a script as long as the hash of the
script is #foo". That means that the script-hasher and the CSP header
have to agree. So perhaps the Filter could maintain an LRU list of
hashes produced elsewhere (and possible run through the Filter). I
think this is a big rathole that ... probably nobody should bother to
go down.

One can also use a nonce. Technically, the nonce should be one-time
use (it's called a nonce ffs!), but since you have to actually use it
twice for it to be useful, I think it's okay for e.g. a Filter to emit
the same nonce multiple times, for a short period of time.

- -chris
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