
follow the list. I expect, that we will prepare 1.2.20 for release
during this month.



Sven Köhler schrieb:
>>> i see, you're developing Tomcat 6.0.
>>> Will Tomcat 6.0 send flush packets, when the flush()-method of the
>>> OutputStreams or the Writers are called?
>> Yes. It's done in a way that is backward compatible.
>> When out.flush() is called an empty data packet is sent.
> Did it really need to be done like that? :-(
> Well, not matter how, but it was done, so it's a reason to be happy :-)
>>> It's something really needed by mod_proxy_ajp, mod_jk, and so on to
>>> property transport flushes to.
>> The implementation is in the SVN both for mod_jk
>> and mod_proxy_ajp. You will have to wait for the
>> next release (mod_jk 1.2.20) if you don't wish to
>> use the SVN builds.
> Thanks for the hints! So i will wait for mod_jk 1.2.20.

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