Author: rjung
Date: Sun Nov 26 01:40:50 2006
New Revision: 479318

Adding read_only and user as status worker attributes to the docs.
Update for the changelog, all items concerning the status worker.


Modified: tomcat/connectors/trunk/jk/xdocs/changelog.xml
--- tomcat/connectors/trunk/jk/xdocs/changelog.xml (original)
+++ tomcat/connectors/trunk/jk/xdocs/changelog.xml Sun Nov 26 01:40:50 2006
@@ -26,6 +26,34 @@
   <br />
   <subsection name="Native">
+      <update>
+      Status Worker: All functions accessible also for xml and txt
+      mime types (list, show, update, reset). (rjung)
+      </update>
+      <update>
+      Status Worker: New global health indicators for load balancers
+      named bad (error, recovering or stopped), degraded (busy or disabled)
+      and good (the rest, active and OK or N/A). (rjung)
+      </update>
+      <update>
+      Status Worker: New edit page, to change one attribute for all
+      members of a load balancer. (rjung)
+      </update>
+      <update>
+      Status Worker: Standard logging for status worker. (rjung)
+      </update>
+      <update>
+      Status Worker: code refactoring. (rjung)
+      </update>
+      <update>
+      Status Worker: New attribute user (list) denies access, if
+      the request user in the sense of remote_user is not in this list.
+      Empty list = no deny (rjung)
+      </update>
+      <update>
+      Status Worker: New attribute read_only disables the parts
+      of the status worker, that change states and configurations. (rjung)
+      </update>
         <bug>36121</bug>: Don't change main uri when mod_jk serves
         included uri. (markt)

Modified: tomcat/connectors/trunk/jk/xdocs/config/workers.xml
--- tomcat/connectors/trunk/jk/xdocs/config/workers.xml (original)
+++ tomcat/connectors/trunk/jk/xdocs/config/workers.xml Sun Nov 26 01:40:50 2006
@@ -372,6 +372,17 @@
 <directive name="css" default="" required="false">
 Specifies the url for cascading stylesheet to use.
+<directive name="read_only" default="False" required="false">
+A status worker with read_only=True will not allow any operations,
+that change the runtime state or configuration of the other workers.
+These are edit/update/reset.
+<directive name="user" default="" required="false">
+This directive can be used mutltiple times. It is a list of users
+which gets compared to the user name authenticated by the web server.
+If the name is not contained in this list, access is denied. Per
+default the list is empty and then access is allowed to anybody.

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