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 ><h3 id="Requirements">Requirements</h3><div class="text">
 The Tomcat redirector requires three entities:
@@ -37,7 +67,7 @@ not be called and returns an http code 4
 isapi_redirect.dll would do the job instead, you will get an http code 500,
 because the library is not loadable into a 64 Bit IIS.
-</blockquote></td></tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" 
cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font color="#ffffff" 
face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Registry settings"><strong>Registry 
+</div><h3 id="Registry_settings">Registry settings</h3><div class="text">
 ISAPI redirector reads configuration from the registry, create a new registry 
key named:
@@ -53,37 +83,41 @@ starting with the letters <b>f</b> (fals
 The values are taken case insensitive. In this documentation we will stick
 to <b>false</b> and <b>true</b>.
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5"><tr><th width="20%" bgcolor="#023264"><font 
color="#ffffff">Key Name</font></th><th width="80%" bgcolor="#023264"><font 
color="#ffffff">Description</font></th></tr><tr><td align="left" 
align="left" valign="center"><p>
+<table class="defaultTable"><tr><th style="width: 15%;">
+          Attribute
+        </th><th style="width: 85%;">
+          Description
+        </th></tr><tr><td><strong><code 
 A string value pointing to the ISAPI extension 
-</p></td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>log_file</code></td><td align="left" valign="center"><p>
+</p></td></tr><tr><td><code class="attributeName">log_file</code></td><td><p>
 A value pointing to location where log file will be created.
 (for example <b>c:\tomcat\logs\isapi.log</b>)
 <br>If one of the log rotation settings (<b>log_rotationtime</b> or 
<b>log_filesize</b>) are specified then the actual log file name is based on 
this setting.
-If the log file name includes any '%' characters, then it is treated as a 
format string for <b class="code">strftime(3)</b>, 
+If the log file name includes any '%' characters, then it is treated as a 
format string for <code>strftime(3)</code>, 
 e.g. <b>c:\tomcat\logs\isapi-%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S.log</b>. Otherwise, the suffix 
<em>.nnnnnnnnnn</em> is automatically added and is the time in seconds.
 A full list of format string substitutions can be found in the <a 
rotatelogs documentation</a>
-</p></td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>log_level</code></td><td align="left" valign="center"><p>
+</p></td></tr><tr><td><code class="attributeName">log_level</code></td><td><p>
 A string value for log level 
 (can be debug, info, warn, error or trace).</p>
 <p>This directive was added in version 1.2.31</p>
-</td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>log_rotationtime</code></td><td align="left" 
 The time between log file rotations in seconds.
 Setting this to 0 (the default) disables log rotation based on time.</p>
 <p>This directive was added in version 1.2.31</p>
-</td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>log_filesize</code></td><td align="left" 
+</td></tr><tr><td><code class="attributeName">log_filesize</code></td><td><p>
 The maximum log file size in megabytes, after which the log file will be 
rotated. Setting this to 0 (the default) disables log rotation based on file 
 <br>The value can have an optional <b>M</b> suffix, i.e. both <b>5</b> and 
<b>5M</b> will rotate the log file when it grows to 5MB.
 <br>If <b>log_rotationtime</b> is specified, then this setting is ignored.  
-</p></td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><strong><code>worker_file</code></strong></td><td align="left" 
 A string value which is the full path to file
 (for example <b>c:\tomcat\conf\</b>)
-</p></td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
align="left" valign="center"><p>
 A string value which is the full path to file
 (for example <b>c:\tomcat\conf\</b>)
-</p></td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>rewrite_rule_file</code></td><td align="left" 
 A string value which is the full path to file
 (for example <b>c:\tomcat\conf\</b>)
-</p></td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>shm_size</code></td><td align="left" valign="center"><p>
+</p></td></tr><tr><td><code class="attributeName">shm_size</code></td><td><p>
 A DWORD value size of the shared memory. Set this value to be
 the number of all defined workers * 400.
 (Set this value only if you have <b>more</b> then <b>64</b> workers)
@@ -92,12 +126,12 @@ the number of all defined workers * 400.
 <p>Starting with version 1.2.27 the size of the shared memory is determined
 automatically, even for large numbers of workers. This attribute is not
 needed any longer.</p>
-</td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>worker_mount_reload</code></td><td align="left" 
 A DWORD value specifying the time in seconds upon which the
 <b>worker_mount_file</b> will be reloaded.
 <p>This directive has been added in version 1.2.20</p>
-</td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>strip_session</code></td><td align="left" 
+</td></tr><tr><td><code class="attributeName">strip_session</code></td><td><p>
 A string value representing a boolean. If it is set to <b>true</b>,
 URL session suffixes of the form ";jsessionid=..." get stripped of
 URLs, if the are served locally by the web server.
@@ -106,7 +140,7 @@ URLs, if the are served locally by the w
 The default value is false.
 <p>This directive has been added in version 1.2.21</p>
-</td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>auth_complete</code></td><td align="left" 
+</td></tr><tr><td><code class="attributeName">auth_complete</code></td><td><p>
 A DWORD value representing "0" or "1". This is needed because
 of minor incompatibilities with IIS 5.1.
@@ -117,7 +151,7 @@ This might be needed for IIS 5.1 when ha
 PUT HTTP method.
 <p>This directive has been added in version 1.2.21</p>
-</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="center"><code>uri_select</code></td><td 
align="left" valign="center"><p>
+</td></tr><tr><td><code class="attributeName">uri_select</code></td><td><p>
 A string value which influences, how URIs are decoded and re-encoded
 between IIS and Tomcat. You should leave this at it's default value,
 unless you have a very good reason to change it.
@@ -147,7 +181,7 @@ Explicit path components like ".." will
 and problematic are re-encoded.
 <p>The default value since version 1.2.24 is "proxy". Before it was 
-</td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>reject_unsafe</code></td><td align="left" 
+</td></tr><tr><td><code class="attributeName">reject_unsafe</code></td><td><p>
 A string value representing a boolean. If it is set to <b>true</b>,
 URLs still containing percent signs '%' or backslashes '\'
 after decoding will be rejected.
@@ -160,7 +194,7 @@ can block several well known URL encodin
 The default value is false.
 <p>This directive has been added in version 1.2.24</p>
-</td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>collapse_slashes</code></td><td align="left" 
 This options is deprecated as of 1.2.44 and will be ignored if used.
@@ -171,7 +205,7 @@ As of 1.2.44, collpasing is always perfo
 or unmount rules.
 <p>This directive has been added in version 1.2.41</p>
-</td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>watchdog_interval</code></td><td align="left" 
 A DWORD value representing the watchdog thread interval in seconds.
 The workers are maintained periodically by a background thread
 running periodically every watchdog_interval seconds. Worker maintenance
@@ -180,9 +214,9 @@ to detect backend health status.
 The maintenance only happens, if since the last maintenance at
-least <a href="workers.html"><b class="code">worker.maintain</b></a>
+least <a href="workers.html"><code>worker.maintain</code></a>
 seconds have passed. So setting the watchdog_interval
-much smaller than <b class="code">worker.maintain</b> is not useful.
+much smaller than <code>worker.maintain</code> is not useful.
 The default value is 0 seconds, meaning the watchdog thread
@@ -190,19 +224,19 @@ will not be created, and the maintenance
 with normal requests instead.
 <p>This directive has been added in version 1.2.27</p>
-</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="center"><code>error_page</code></td><td 
align="left" valign="center"><p>
+</td></tr><tr><td><code class="attributeName">error_page</code></td><td><p>
 A string value representing the error page url redirection when
 backend returns non-200 response. This directive can be used
 to customise the error messages returned from backend server.
 <p>The url must point to a valid server url and can contain
-format string number <b class="code">(%d)</b> that can be used to
+format string number <code>(%d)</code> that can be used to
 separate the pages by error number. The redirect url in that
-case is formatted by replacing <b class="code">%d</b> from
-<b class="code">error_page</b> to returned error number.
+case is formatted by replacing <code>%d</code> from
+<code>error_page</code> to returned error number.
 <p>This directive has been added in version 1.2.27</p>
-</td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>enable_chunked_encoding</code></td><td align="left" 
 A string value representing a boolean. If it is set to <b>true</b>,
 chunked encoding is supported by the server.
@@ -213,7 +247,7 @@ The default value is false.
 was considered experimental and only available when a special build containing
 chunking support was used. Starting with 1.2.30 it is no longer considered
-</td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>flush_packets</code></td><td align="left" 
+</td></tr><tr><td><code class="attributeName">flush_packets</code></td><td><p>
 A string value representing a boolean. If it is set to <b>true</b>,
 data is flushed immediately to the client as each AJP packet is received.
 Otherwise, IIS buffers the data and only writes to the client when the buffer
@@ -223,7 +257,7 @@ The default value is false.
 <p>This directive has been added in version 1.2.42</p>
-</blockquote></td></tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" 
cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font color="#ffffff" 
face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Using a properties file for 
configuration"><strong>Using a properties file for 
+</div><h3 id="Using_a_properties_file_for_configuration">Using a properties 
file for configuration</h3><div class="text">
 The ISAPI redirector can read it's configuration from a properties file 
instead of the registry. 
 This has the advantage that you can use multiple ISAPI redirectors with 
independent configurations on the same server.
@@ -238,8 +272,7 @@ A sample can b
 The property names and values in the properties file are the same as for the 
registry settings described above. For example:
-<div class="example"><pre>
-# Configuration file for the Tomcat ISAPI Redirector
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># Configuration file for the Tomcat ISAPI 
 # The path to the ISAPI Redirector Extension, relative to the website
 # This must be in a virtual directory with execute privileges
@@ -256,7 +289,7 @@ worker_file=c:\tomcat\conf\workers.prope
 # Full path to the file
@@ -271,7 +304,7 @@ worker_mount_file=c:\tomcat\conf\uriwork
 <p>Starting with version 1.2.27 two environment variables are
 automatically added to the environment that can be used inside
-<b class="code">.properties</b> files.
+<code>.properties</code> files.
         <li>JKISAPI_PATH - Full path to the ISAPI Redirector.
@@ -279,11 +312,10 @@ automatically added to the environment t
-<p><div class="example"><pre>
-# Use the logs in the installation path of ISAPI Redirector
+<p><div class="codeBox"><pre><code># Use the logs in the installation path of 
ISAPI Redirector
-</blockquote></td></tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" 
cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font color="#ffffff" 
face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Log file rotation"><strong>Log file 
+</div><h3 id="Log_file_rotation">Log file rotation</h3><div class="text">
 The ISAPI redirector with version 1.2.31 can perform log rotation, with 
configuration and behaviour similar to the 
program provided with Apache HTTP Server.
@@ -293,8 +325,7 @@ To configure log rotation, configure a <
 If both are specified, the <b>log_rotationtime</b> will take precedence, and 
<b>log_filesize</b> will be ignored. 
 <br>For example, to configure daily rotation of the log file:
-<div class="example"><pre>
-# Configuration file for the Tomcat ISAPI Redirector
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># Configuration file for the Tomcat ISAPI 
 # Full path to the log file for the ISAPI Redirector
@@ -307,12 +338,11 @@ log_level=info
 Or to configure rotation of the log file when it reaches 5MB in size:
-<div class="example"><pre>
-# Configuration file for the Tomcat ISAPI Redirector
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># Configuration file for the Tomcat ISAPI 
 # Full path to the log file for the ISAPI Redirector
@@ -325,15 +355,15 @@ log_level=info
 The log will be rotated whenever the configured limit is reached, but only if 
the log file name would change. If you configure
- a log file name with <b class="code">strftime(3)</b> format codes in it, then 
ensure it specifies the same granularity
+ a log file name with <code>strftime(3)</code> format codes in it, then ensure 
it specifies the same granularity
  as the rotation time configured, e.g. <b>%Y-%m-%d</b> if rotating daily 
 <br>See the <a 
documentation for more examples.
-</blockquote></td></tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" 
cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font color="#ffffff" 
face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Using a simple rewrite 
rules"><strong>Using a simple rewrite 
+</div><h3 id="Using_a_simple_rewrite_rules">Using a simple rewrite 
rules</h3><div class="text">
 The ISAPI redirector with version 1.2.16 can do a simple URL rewriting. 
Although not
 as powerful as Apache HTTP Server's mod_rewrite, it allows a simple exchange 
of request URIs
@@ -341,23 +371,33 @@ as powerful as Apache HTTP Server's mod_
 The rule is in the form original-url-prefix=forward-url-prefix. For example:
-<div class="example"><pre>
-# Simple rewrite rules, making examples
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># Simple rewrite rules, making examples
 # available under shorter URLs
-You can also use regular expressions, if you prefix the rule with a tilde <b 
+You can also use regular expressions, if you prefix the rule with a tilde 
-<div class="example"><pre>
-# Complex rewrite rule, prefixing "/examples/"
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># Complex rewrite rule, prefixing "/examples/"
 # to the first path component of all requests
 Note that must use the URLs before rewriting.
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