Remy Maucherat wrote:
             if ((session != null) && !session.isValid())
                 session = null;
             if (session != null) {
+                if(!requestedSessionId.equals(session.getId())) {
+ Cookie cookie = new Cookie(Globals.SESSION_COOKIE_NAME,
+                            session.getIdInternal());
+                    configureSessionCookie(cookie);
+                    response.addCookie(cookie);
+                }

I don't know if that's a good idea. It looks a bit risky. I think it should include && (getContext() != null) && getContext().getCookies().


Also if I remember correctly, session replication with delta manager (default) applies replica messages to sessions with the same id: So in a three node cluster with one node failing renaming the id on a second node might break replication from the second to the third. Unfortunately I can't check right now, but since it might be, that 5.5.21 is not too far, I would find this new rewriting behaviour a bit risky as a default.

I'm also asking Peter about the state of his rewriting listeners, because I somehow remember a functionality like that might already exist.

Maybe Filip likes to comment on my first concern.



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