Hi all,

I would like to know if you had time to look at the demonstration of our prototype.

We are very interested to get your feelings about that.

Do you have ideas about our problem of testing the validity of a user session within mod_jk ? We're thinking about a mechanism relying on the JMX-Adaptor of Tomcat that mod_jk can
invoke through the AJP interface. What's your opinion ?


Anthony Vromant

Anthony Vromant wrote:
Hi Rainer,

First of all, thank you for these informations.

Here is the HTTP link for the Flash demonstration of our prototype :

I am looking at the new features provided by mod_jk 1.2.20, the dynamic configuration reloading is quite interesting.
We are going to bring our prototype to this new version.

In our prototype, when a new request is coming with a JSESSIONID cookie, a request is sent to the worker (tomcat) for checking the validity (we need to know whether the session is still alive). Currently, the HTTP protocol is used for invoking tomcat rather than AJP. The control at the tomcat side is done through an internal servlet which accesses the MBean manager for getting the current sessions list.

Do you have any suggestion for improving that ?


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