Dear Apache Tomcat committers,

In a little over 2 weeks time, ApacheCon Europe is taking place in Berlin. Join us from October 22 to 24 for an exciting program and lovely get-together of the Apache Community.

We are also planning a hackathon.  If Apache Tomcat is interested in participating, please enter yourselves here:

Tomcat has it's own track at ApacheCon Europe, which you might find interesting: ApacheCon Europe 2019 Tomcat track <>  Several members of your community are presenting, including Mark Thomas, Remy Maucherat, Felix Schumacher, and Jean-Frederic Clere.

Furthermore there will be a whole conference track on community topics: Learn how to motivate users to contribute patches, how the board of directors works, how to navigate the Incubator and much more: ApacheCon Europe 2019 Community track <>

Tickets are available here <> – for Apache Committers we offer discounted tickets.  Prices will be going up on October 7th, so book soon.

Please also help spread the word and make ApacheCon Europe 2019 a success!

We’re looking forward to welcoming you at #ACEU19!


Your ApacheCon team

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