Am 2020-04-19 um 17:32 schrieb Rainer Jung:
Hi Michael,

Am 19.04.2020 um 17:11 schrieb Michael Osipov:
Am 2020-04-19 um 14:40 schrieb Rainer Jung:
I observed this when using Apache mod_proxy_http and mod_proxy_balancer with ping=5000, which wil add the expectation to any POST request. I wanted to tune Apache/Tomcat communication to use connections very long in order to reduce TLS handshakes during the servers. It turned out, that because the application always does redirect-after-POST and due to the above described TC behavior, the effective reuse for the connections was very small.

Regardless of the problem itself. Why does the module modify the request? Isn't the ping supposed to work via HEAD with expect: 100-continue at most?

Not that I am aware of. AFAIK the expectation is only allowed for requests with bodies.

That's nonsense from my side. Mental disconception.

That's what I see when applying patches to mod_proxy_http recently.

That would be a surpsise to me, especially after checking trunk and 2.4 now again. Any code citation? Note I am talking about mod_proxy_http ping, not the AJP one and not the H2 one.

I'd need to go more deeply into the code, but from my memory I discussed aspects from this in BZ 63626 with RĂ¼diger and Yann. I may be wrong, of course!

Some clients don't even handle the expect header, like browsers.

Not a question of clients here. They do not have to support it for the reverse proxy ping feature. It only changes communication between proxy and back end, the client will not see a difference.

But that all is not really related to my original question. Why is TC closing the connection after a successful expectation handling and fully reading the request body when the application returns a non-2xx response (eg. a 3xx)?

Right, the question is what qualifies to close a connection if this has not been done explicitly like from application code or in #statusDropsConnection().

The comment in that block:
// to ensure that the connection is closed. Some clients may
// still send the body, some may send the next request.
// No way to differentiate, so close the connection to
// force the client to send the next request.

is a safety net from my understanding for misbehaving clients.

But you are right, there is no reason why it should be closed with a 3xx at least.

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