На вт, 9.06.2020 г. в 10:47 Martin Grigorov <mgrigo...@apache.org> написа:
> Hi,
> `ant ide-intellij` prints the following:
> ide-intellij:
>      [copy] Copying 10 files to
>      [echo] IntelliJ IDEA project directory created. Please create PATH
>      [echo]
>      [echo]       ANT_HOME          = /home/martin/devel/apache-ant
>      [echo]       TOMCAT_BUILD_LIBS = /home/martin/tomcat-build-libs
>      [echo]
> I guess this should be ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES instead ?
> There is nothing related to $PATH in these entries.

When you generate files for IntelliJ IDEA and open the project you will see
an error message like this

`Load error: undefined path variables
ANT_HOME, TOMCAT_BUILD_LIBS are undefined. Fix it
Path variables are used to substitute absolute paths in IDEA project files
and allow project file sharing in version control systems.
Some of the files describing the current project settings contain unknown
path variables and IDEA cannot restore those paths.`

When you click this `Fix it`, a window will open and you will be able to
specify the paths.


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