Hi Mladen,

Mladen Turk wrote:
Rainer Jung wrote:

I want to find out how to correctly fix BZ 41430 and 36121. They have to do with the way mod_dir and mod_jk interact. Before fixing the code I find it necessary to define the correct behaviour, which seems to be non-trivial.

It is very trivial.
The mod_jk is proxy to Tomcat, and nothing more.
Things like mapping web app to the Apache vhost
that BTW works only when both Httpd and Tomcat are
on the same host is usable only for delivering static
content directly by Httpd.

Things like DirectoryIndex are completely
useless and further more breaks the security,
because the Tomcat must serve the default content.

I simply don't understand, what this means functionally, i.e. how DirectoryIndex and ForwardDirectories should work with mod_jk.

So, although some hacks can be done, I'll veto
any option that will allow serving as default
some content that wouldn't be served by Tomcat
using his configure.

If I try to interprete this, it would disallow to forward a request /test/ as /test/file to tomcat, if file is a DirectoryIndex

- even if "/test/file" would match a JkMount
- and even if "/test/file" can be matched to a file system entry by Apache.

Correct? This is different from current behaviour. So you suggest to completely ignore DirectoryIndex for mod_jk and only forward directory requests to tomcat, if

- they don't get served by apache
- they match a JkMount
- and ForwardDirectories is set.





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